Category Archive: Philosophy / Metaphysics
My Life Partner for 21 years Leila passed away suddenly without any warning of a heart attack. She was fit and healthy and worked out at a gym 6 days a week. She was loved by her family and friends and the community she served as a teacher and counselor, and as my weekly cohost …
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Devoted followers of Donald Trump are martyring themselves for their leader. They are his faithful like all cult followers who followed Jim Jones, Adolf Hitler, and Charles Manson all agents of Satan in his genocide of mankind. All Trump’s faithful fanatics hide behind their torn coats of Christianity The fornicating Falwells and the imbeciles of the …
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THE FIRST PROPHECY OF NGR / THE PROMISE First published 4/1/07 on Must the skies fall before one knows darkness? It is death to all who do not understand me. I am known throughout the world. I am the dead and rising king. My people have laid my spirit in a tomb and …
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I have isolated myself my entire life in one way or another. either in anger, grief, humiliation, humor, interests, scholarly research or unrequited love. Life can be isolating even in a gathering of friends or strangers. I discovered 4th Dimensional existence many years ago when I studied spirituality and developed my sixth sense through the …
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The Coronavirus has so far infected 128,000 people in 114 countries, with 4700 deaths. Where it came from and how it spread so rapidly is still a mystery in the world medical communities. As of today, three states in the U.S have closed all their PK-12 schools leaving over 5 million children to stay at …
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Few people seek the dream of a new world or a new America where corruption, greed, cruelty, and ignorance are absent from the minds and hearts of men and women. Humanity must envision a blissful world of harmony, hope, and endless possibility where humanity and nature are one and humanity respects the beauty of nature …
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(Howard Zinn) “Being optimistic in bad times is not romantic and foolish. It is based on the fact that the history of humanity is a history not only of cruelty but also of sympathy, sacrifice, courage, and teamwork. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only …
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Trump will never be forgiven or acquitted by the American people, except by his Neo-Nazi fascist followers and hate-driven evangelists. I believe if there is any sense of decency or morality and justice left in America Trump and his sycophants in the Senate and House of Representatives will be destroyed and cast into the oblivion …
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Seldom in my lifetime have I heard such a moving speech. Adam Schiff will be recognized in history as one of America’s greatest elected officials and orators. His closing argument to the Senate should be watched by every American regardless of political party or preference. Representative Adam Schiff has proven his brilliance repeatedly during his …
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I Am inspired by the American Patriotism and courage of the many men and women who have come forward to testify truthfully to Congress and the American people regarding the Quid Pro Quo of Trump’s extortion of the President of Ukraine. During my lifetime I have witnessed many courageous men and women in civil service …
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Tomorrow September 20th,and September 27th, 2019 a worldwide strike of millions of school children and adults will be held in towns and cities around the world. Greta Thunberg a 16 yr old Norwegian highschool girl, is the catalyst for the strike, to alarm the world of the severe climate changes and to immediately cut fossil …
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“May God ruin him.” This was the curse by Rashida Tlaib’s Palestinian grandmother. Unfortunately, Palestinian prayers seem to be unanswered by God. If the God of Zionist Jews is the God of all, then I dis zone myself from any belief in any deity. The Zionist God is one of hatred, genocide, and murder, racism …
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I am proud of U.S Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib for rejecting the left-handed offer from Israel to let her visit her 91-year-old Palestinian grandmother, with the exception that she retract her statements about an Israeli boycott and the genocide of Palestinians. Rashida is one of the “Squad” of Freshman Congresswomen, who have criticized Israel’s genocide …
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THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF CONGRESS As an American, I stand proudly defending these four women as citizens and elected members of Congress. Donald Trump in his despicable misogyny and racism became outraged at their defiance of him and publicly support his impeachment. Four Liberal women of color gave him the finger, and called …
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The great farce of the Democrat Debate last night was seen by no one except a few suffering libtards devoted to MSNBC hosts Rachel Maddow and other low rated babbling commentators. The Democratic Party would not allow any other news networks to broadcast last night’s Democratic Free For all. Fox, CNN, and even CSPAN were …
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Every day Trump and his lying cabinet members and aids lie to the media, lie to each other and lie to the American People. The Washington Post recently counted 10,000 lies Trump has personally told the public since his inauguration. I hate listening to anything Trump says because everything he says is a lie. His …
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No president in U.S History except Donald Trump has ever openly betrayed his country with the aid of a foreign country, especially a country that is a confirmed enemy of the U.S. The greatest threats to the United States are Donald Trump and his Republican Senate minions Mitch McConnell and the wretched Republican Majority. Multimillion-dollar …
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Donald Trump thinks he’s playing tough against the Democrats since his legal lapdog Bill Barr claimed he was innocent of collusion and corruption and Trump believes he can win over the American people with his lies and insane rhetoric trying to justify the false finding of the Mueller report before it is released to the public. …
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This program is not a defense of ISIS or any terrorist group. It is an explanation of why the Western Nations have demonized the Arab nations, to continue the war against them, to eventually occupy and plunder the entire Middle East under U.S/Israeli control and occupation. This three-part series is “A Defense of Islaam.” Part …
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Ilhan Omar is one of the great rising young stars of Congress. Watching this speech of hers following Amy Goodman’s introduction will give you a unique look and listen to one of the great women and political voices of the 21st Century. This video is titled “I know what hate feels like. ” The quote …
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This radio program first aired on 2/11/16 and is being reposted. The attack by Trump and the Republicans and the mainstream media against Socialism is a total misdirection and misinterpretation of DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM which is the European model for government in most European countries. The entrance of Democratic Socialism in the U.S political system is …
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Art and Photography, Audio, Black and White Photograph Collection, Book Reviews, CANTOS OF A BELIEVER, Friday Night with George Dickson, Images, L.A. Steel for President 2016, Nature photography, New L.A.Steel Art and Photo Website, Observation, Philosophy / Metaphysics, Poetry, Politics, Selected Poems 1997-2004, Short stories, Uncategorized, Union Issues, Videos, Washington D.C Protest Photographs from 1/18/2003 and 9/24/2005 Anti War Rallies
by admin
March 7, 2019
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Alexandria is loved and admired as a daughter and sister by all old and young American Liberals, who fight daily for equality, justice, compassion, and the betterment of humanity and nature. L.A.Steel Share
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As a confirmed Independent, I voted my first straight Democratic Ticket today. Am I proud of it, not necessarily but given the options on the ballot of so many parties and pitfall candidates I decided the only way to save this country and keep it from the Repugs and Trump is to vote a straight …
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Tomorrow November 6th, 2018 will be America’s bloodless war to save humanity and sanity in the U.S and around the world. The cruel and inhumane, sociopathic insanity of Donald Trump and the Republican Congress are destroying everything America has stood for since its beginning. The ideals and greatness of America have been derived by our revolutionary spirit, …
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From all I have observed recently regarding the overwhelming hatred spewed from the Right and Left and the flagrant bigotry and mindless madness against “liberals,” I don’t think any more will be accomplished with speeches and election promises. I believe our country has gone far beyond any reconciliation with the Right and Left and the policies being proposed …
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There is now a moral imperative to bring Trump to his knees. Absolute total destruction of anything with a Trump name on it. There is no reason for the separation of children from their parents at the U.S border other than the cruel, sociopathic demand of Trump and Sessions. Americans and the world must do …
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This program is a tribute to the citizens of Salisbury,Ct., who displayed the patriotism of their Revolutionary community , celebrating Memorial Day, May 27, 2002. This was the first Memorial Day after the 911 attack on the WTC in 2001. One of the veterans we interviewed had just returned from Afghanistan. Citizens of Salisbury, Ct. …
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America and the World need a fresh start. L.A.Steel Share
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I wrote and published this article in 2006 after the invasions of Lebanon and the genocidal attacks by Israel against the Palestinians. In the last 12 years since this essay was written, the Palestinians have been subjected to far greater hostilities by the Israelis, more murders of Palestinians and evictions and theft of their lands …
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WISDOM & COMPASSION, a 2003 teaching by Buddhist Patriarch Sakya Trizin was filmed at the Ahimsa Institute. Leila interviews Sakya Trizin, and the founder of the Ahimsa Institute, who hosted this Buddhist Teaching by Sakya Trizin. L.A.Steel Share
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The NRA and every conservative pundit and media publication have their guns out for Parkland Shooting Survivor David Hogg. His anger is real, his celebrity as an activist is growing , and his powerful message against the morons attacking him are great. He’s a powerful speaker and a lightening bolt of youthful energy damning the …
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When I was seven years old, my crazy neighbor Donny, who was eight years old, received a BB gun for his birthday. He had to show every kid in the neighborhood his new gun and decided to test it out. I mentioned Donny was crazy, or all of us who knew him thought he was …
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There is nothing worth salvaging from this worn out wasted presidency of Donald Trump and his ventriloquist dummy Mike Pence. They are the disposable presidency, to be remembered for their impeachment, cronyism , stupidity of and contempt for the American people. They are the cheap plastic bags of politics, to use once and throw away. …
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Nothing more needs to be said about the NRA. Share
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The Great Republican visionaries have done it again. They have denied the pleas of the Florida School shooting survivors who descended upon their state capital in Tallahassee demanding gun control and banning assault weapons, and demanding universal back ground checks on potential gun owners before they are allowed to purchase a gun. The …
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“YIPPEE KIYEAH MOTHER FUCKER !” TRUMP SENDS A MEMO TO JEFF SESSIONS TO “LOOK INTO” A BAN ON BUMPS STOCKS. His mockery of the Florida shooting was as pathetic as he is. He feels nothing for the slain children, he only feels for the millions of dollars and congressional payoffs by the NRA, National Rifle …
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Racism in America has become rampant, since Donald Trump was elected. His duplicitous victory was realized, because Hillary and the Democrats were exposed for the crooks and cronies they really are, and have not changed enough to convince the American people to trust them again. A third party must be established either by lawful or …
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This program was filmed on 7/5/2003 at the Holley House Museum. Richard Grossman published his book “A Year with Emerson” which is an almanac of 365 days with famous inspirational daily quotes from Emerson’s work. Richard was an Emersonian Scholar who devoted over 40 years of his life to studying Emerson and try to implement …
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Who Trump calls “Traitors” are every American who doesn’t like him. I guess according to Trump my many criticisms of him would make me a “Traitor”. I am a Patriot . I am grateful that I am called treasonous by the traitor and criminal living in the White House , elected with Russian millions and …
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Life is full of irony. One day after Trump’s proverbial train wreck of his first State of the Union Address is followed up by a real train wreck carrying Republican lawmakers and their families to a Virginia resort retreat, to plot out their strategies for 2018, and the upcoming elections, all paid for by the …
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I find Trump’s rhetoric to be as phony and empty as he is. He doesn’t believe anything he says, he says things to appease or insult his opponents and his followers, until he is criticized by the press for his stupidity, or is criticized or corrected by his staff and Cabinet, then he denies he ever …
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This is the second part of a 2 part interview. The first part unfortunately is lost to history. This program was recorded shortly after Christopher had returned from Iraq in 2/2003, to secure visas and passports for Iraqis trying to escape from the threatened invasion, one month before the invasion of Iraq and the “Shock …
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