Monthly Archive: March 2017
I thought Hillary was horrible, and I did not support Trump in the election. I voted for myself. I couldn’t believe most of what he was saying, because he sounded like he never really new what he was saying. Hillary knew exactly what she was saying, because she is a deceitful and greedy politician, …
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I witnessed the resurrection of Satan as Hillary Clinton on television this morning, which frightened me into a Post Traumatic Stress seizure of rage and panic. Her image was horrid, her painfully , too familiar voice screeched, until I could no longer bear the sound, and the horrible sight of her face, and her fat …
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Donald Trump lost his luster. It appears he’s living up to Democrat expectations, which as we all know put up pathetic Hillary as their presidential candidate. The Republicans made a good move this week by shutting down their bill for an Obamacare repeal. Even the most Republican minded couldn’t get behind the Trump health bill. …
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Latest Photograph Series on the Art and Photography of L.A.Steel website see above link. Share
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I wish I could show the incredible picture of this succulent meal. I bought a bargain book today at Barnes and Nobles . It was a large picture filled, laminated cookbook for grilling. Grilling is my favorite way to cook. The picture and recipe is of a grilled, medium rare, thin sliced steak, covered with …
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In 1789 the first Sedition Act became law under President John Adams, and was repealed in 1801 under Thomas Jefferson. The Act was revised in 1917, 1948 and again in 2001 under the Patriot Act. Alien and Sedition Acts – Facts & Summary – The acts were designed by Federalists to limit …
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Sunday morning has become all about Trump. Television and newspapers, magazines and websites are almost all about Trump. The problem with this over kill of Trumpmania is that it is 90% Negative against Trump. When someone tries to destroy someone they spread negative rumors about them, then try to trip them up, and do harm …
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Donald Trump’s Conundrum is he is damned if he does anything right, and he’s damned if he does something wrong. Donald Trump will never be accepted by the Globalist, Liberal Elite and their Kool Aide drinking Democrat minions. It is a sad state to be in, however the Conservative Right is just as bad as …
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This is the Wikileaks Julian Assange video press conference regarding Vault 7, CIA leak. This is the most current Wikileaks information on the Net and explains who is leaking CIA and government secrets. Worth a listen, and download it may not be around very long. L.A. Steel Share
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Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich seems to have a serious dislike for Donald Trump. In a recent Twitter tirade he stated five reasons Trump should be impeached. Of course not one of them was for having sex in the oval office with a 19 year old intern and lying to Congress about it, or creating …
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Here is proof provided by Radio Host and writer Mark Levin regarding the Obama wiretaps of Trump’s campaign before the election. I credit Mark Levin and Fox News for this remarkable research and evidence. It is amazing how the Media and the Congress refuse to accept their own reports and findings and continue to …
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Donald Trump hiding behind his Tweets is not the Donald Trump Americans voted for. The fighter and hard hitting campaigner and revolutionary, has either lost his fighting strength or prefers to grow flowers, in a red tie. No one but Pussycrats are happy about Trump’s weak reaction to the attack against Jeff Sessions, and Americans …
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