This series was adapted from my 2002 television show featuring the parade. I dedicated and donated this series of pictures to the town of Salisbury, Connecticut, as a show of my appreciation for the people of a great community. L.A. Steel Share
Apr 27 2017
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Apr 18 2017
The entire internet is censored by so many servers, governments, corporations and main stream media, that any controversial website is now censored for a myriad of political and economic reasons. As of June of 2016 I was receiving upwards of 3 million visits per month for over an entire year of verifiable statistics. June 1st …
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Apr 16 2017
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Apr 15 2017
Donald Trump and the Republican Party are everything everyone feared. I thought Trump would eventually settle into the job, and lead the nation reasonably and responsibly however, he has brought about chaos and personal contempt to himself and the American Government, and threatened the existences of No.Korea, Syria and Afghanistan, and every nation state …
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Apr 12 2017
Eric Trump said his sister Ivanka,is his father’s greatest weakness. it appears that Donald Trump is a pussy whipped punk with a leash around his neck, taking orders from his daughter Ivanka to destroy Syria, and North Korea. “Yeah, Daddy that was fun.” was heard coming from the Oval Office during the Syrian Missile …
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Apr 10 2017
Americans have been deceived again, by a globalist fascist . Hillary was everything that Americans hate, but Trump is proving himself to be everything the world hates. He is a power crazed addict ready to bring the world to war. All of his military advisers are having an orgy of power and lust for …
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Apr 08 2017
What does Jared Kushner and Ivanka do in the Trump Administration? What kind of advice do they possibly give Dear Dad Donald in running the U.S Government? Neither have any experience in government and neither does Donald Trump. It appears that Jared is pushing his way into the Oval Office by pushing aside Steve Bannon, …
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Apr 06 2017
The recent American and World Wide reaction to the chemical weapons used on Syrians and ISIS comes at a time when all seems forgotten about the Israeli war against Gaza in Palestine, and the hundreds of Palestinian children murdered by the Israeli bombings. The following horrendous photographs of children’s corpses blown to bits by …
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