Dec 29 2013
Tags: Hopi Final Prophecy, Hopi Indians, prophecy
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Dec 28 2013
Tags: higher dimension, L.A. Steel's trip to higher dimensions
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Dec 28 2013
Tags: 7th dimension, ascension, enlightenment, seventh dimension, The 7th Dimension, transdimensionalism, vision
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Dec 18 2013
Tags: hierarchy of ascension., Labryinth, masters, maze, The Labryinth of the 6th Dimension
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Dec 17 2013
Tags: 6th Dimension, ascension, entry to The Labrynth, Transdimensional gateway to the 6th Dimension
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Dec 17 2013
Channeled Text # 3 Enter into the divine light of creation. You see nothing to offend you. All who dwell on this dimension are spirits of light darkness does not exist here. All in this dimension exist in light.There is only joy, bliss and love. From here all wonders begin. All the wisdom and knowledge …
Tags: ascension, channeled text, Community of Light, enlightenment, Fifth Dimension
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Dec 15 2013
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Dec 15 2013
Tags: Fifth Dimension, transdimensional art, Transdimensional golden pathway, Transdimensional Journey
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Dec 14 2013
Fourth Dimensional reality is a different frequency from where Third Dimensional reality ends. Understanding polarized existence can allow a seeker to understand how 4th Dimensional reality exists. It is created by our spiritual energy and manifested by our mental capacity. Our own imaginations create 4th Dimensional reality where all is possible. People who are crossing …
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Dec 13 2013
Tags: fourth dimension, silver pathway, trandimensional art, transdimensional art, transdimensional silver pathway
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Dec 07 2013
Welcome onto the great path, shared by all spirits who have trodden this trans-dimensional journey, I am your first guide through the shadow realm of the Fourth Dimension. There are so many questions about death and multidimensional travel, but these questions can be best answered by disregarding the concept of Time. Time only exists in …
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Dec 01 2013
I received a psychic message recently from a great friend who passed away several years ago. He was a Cosmo Biologist and made many remarkable predictions that came true. He has made contact with me on many occasions since his death, but most recently his communications with me have been very active and advisory. He …
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