Monthly Archive: December 2015
[adsense] Are New Hampshire Republican voters really considering Chris Christie? This is the same state of voters that LOVED John McCain. This convinces me and probably most Americans, that New Hampshire Republicans and their leading news paper the Union Leader are completely out of touch with the rest of America . It wouldn’t surprise …
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This site was down over the Christmas Holiday, not because of my political views, but it appears I was hacked because I wrote a bad review on Star Wars the new movie. I guess you can say anything except a bad review of Star Wars. Are we in a fascist country where corporations own everything …
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The DNC is obviously screwing with Bernie Sanders Campaign, a news article today by Yahoo News states the guy who broke into Hillary’s voter files was referred to Sanders campaign by the DNC. …. “Because of the software issue, members of the Sanders campaign were able to access information that belonged to Hillary Clinton’s …
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The major hype over the latest Star Wars movie, could only be created by bought and paid for critics in the news media and television networks. I saw the 3 D version, which was a serious disappointment. The 3 D special effects were better at Disney World in the 1980s. Other than the premiere hype …
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The World This world is one of a trillion stars. I wonder where we really are? L.A. Steel Share
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The following is Chapter Three of my book, Naked at the Mic / The Survival of a Liberal in a Time of Peril. After last night’s three hour televised Republican Debate, I was compelled to reprint Chapter Three of my Book for readers who may not be familiar with the true legacy of Ronald Reagan, …
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Art and Photography, Audio, Black and White Photograph Collection, Book Reviews, CANTOS OF A BELIEVER, Friday Night with George Dickson, Images, L.A. Steel for President 2016, New L.A.Steel Art and Photo Website, Observation, Philosophy / Metaphysics, Poetry, Politics, Selected Poems 1997-2004, Short stories, Uncategorized, Union Issues, Videos, Washington D.C Protest Photographs from 1/18/2003 and 9/24/2005 Anti War Rallies
December 15, 2015
Most Helpful Customer Reviews 5 Stars Plus… By H.P. Albarelli Jr. on April 15, 2010 Format: Paperback Verified Purchase A few weeks ago, I received a call from L.A. Steel, a man I knew nothing about. L.A. told me he wanted to interview me on his radio show about my book, A TERRIBLE MISTAKE: The Murder of Frank …
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There are now over thirty Republican Candidates for President in 2016, some with name recognition and others without. The reason so many are running is there has never been so much money available in a presidential election, since the advent of Citizens United. Every wannabe Republican and Democrat candidate is begging for campaign dollars and …
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The hysterical world wide reactions by politicians and Muslim leaders against Donald Trump and his call to ban Muslims from entering the U.S, is exactly what was expected. I am not Muslim nor a follower of any religion however, I and everyone else in the world are members of the Human Race, and everyone seems …
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Turkey, Russia, Iraq And Syria: The Black Market Oil Trade That’s Fueling ISIS And Dividing The Terrorist Group’s Opponents By Alessandria Masi @alessandriamasi on December 09 2015 4:32 AM EST The above mentioned article published this morning by International Business Times,, sites the buyers of ISIS black market oil. The largest buyer of ISIS stolen oil is Turkey. I …
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The media outrage over Donald Trump’s 12/7/15 speech, where he stated he would “ban all Muslims from entering the U.S” is hilarious, since 90% of the U.S media is owned and controlled by Zionist Jews, who support the Apartheid in Israel, and their entire country is bordered by 40 ft high concrete walls, and Israel …
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Anyone who thinks last night’s speech by Barack Obama did anything to calm down the American people or anyone in the world, who have been attacked by ISIS or (ISIL) is as confused by Obama’s message as they are about the name of the Islamic radical group. Only Obama and his staff call …
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Another massacre in America. What kind of crazies would shoot up a regional home for disabled and retarded people? We can’t stop crazy people from doing crazy things, because crazy people are everywhere. Foreign and Domestic Terrorists can be in every town and city and every school in America and around the world, …
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” Boots on the Ground” is the most over used , idiotic cliche in the English language. The idiots in the American military and in the White House have done it again. They have put our military men and women into harms way over another insane invasion into the Middle East. Syria is not, …
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