Monthly Archive: January 2005

Jan 27 2005

An Invitation to Hell

1/27/05 (CPAC) is the Conservative Political Action Conference an annual convention of grassroots conservative activists and broadcasters held in February at the Ronald Reagan Building in D.C. To my great surprise I received an invitation to attend the conference and interview some or many of the conservative pundits and political celebrities who will be gathered …

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Jan 25 2005

An American Exile

1/25/05 “Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, with conquering limbs astride from land to land; here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command the air-bridged …

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Jan 23 2005

Wherrre’s Johnny?

1/23/05 I was greatly saddened to hear about the death of a man I never personally knew. But he was my late night baby sitter, and my late night friend who made me laugh right before I went to sleep, saying everything is crazy but we can still laugh about it. Here is a silly …

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Jan 21 2005

A Majority of One

1/21/05 I am a majority of one. So is everyone who is rightly committed to justice, freedom, universal law and universal brotherhood. I need no one to convince me of my mission in life or try to deter me from it. I am as great or as insignificant as I think I am. Greatness was …

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Jan 20 2005

Lock and Load for the Grand Inauguration

1/20/05 Lock and Load for the grand day of days, the grand show of democratic freedom to rig elections, intimidate our allies, squash all protests, charge $125 dollars a head for a bleacher seat so one can witness the travesty up close. $250,000 dollars to shake hands and kiss the SOB, or $100,000 for the …

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Jan 11 2005

Damned Democrats

1/11/05 Senator Barbara Boxer cannot redeem the Democratic Party by herself which is what she tried to do on 1/6/05. I give her credit for her lonely stand against the great injustice done to the American people in the 2004 election. She displayed the courage expected but rarely exhibited by members of congress by single …

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Jan 05 2005


1/05/05 “There is in a society that rests upon industry the constant danger of Barbarism…” Theodore Roosevelt The world has endured Feudalism, Communism, Fascism,Racism,Socialism,Stalinism, Catholicism, Protestantism,Zionism,Radicalism,Conservatism, and countless other isms, but now the world must endure the most ominous and globally threatening philosophy of world domination ever conceived and the driving force behind a military …

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