Monthly Archive: February 2006

Feb 27 2006

The End of the Month is Here

THE END OF THE MONTH IS HERE! 2/27/06 What if the end of the world was here and the world was set to end at midnight on 2/28/06? Wow, now that is something to think about! What if tomorrow was the last day the world had to exist? If we knew this would we all …

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Feb 19 2006

Some Sympathy for Shani Davis

SOME SYMPATHY FOR SHANI DAVIS 2/19/06 If anyone watched the 1000 meter Olympic skating event last night they must have noticed that Shani Davis had an unusually sour attitude in his first interview, for a man who had just won the Gold medal. It is amazing how important that first impression is, especially when it …

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Feb 15 2006

Was Cheney Bird Hunting on Bourbon?

WAS CHENEY BIRD HUNTING ON BOURBON? 2/15/06 Jim Beam was always advertized as the Hunter’s friend. Growing up I would flip through outdoor sports magazines like Field and Steam and see full page color ads of men in hunting clothes sitting around a campfire or in a blind with a bottle of Jim Beam assumingly …

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Feb 08 2006

Is It Just Me

IS IT JUST ME? 2/8/06 I have to wonder if it is just me or is it the entire human population that sees things differently than I do. I see green trees, brown dirt, sometimes red and sometimes light brown. I see black nights and blue skies and white clouds and grey clouds. I see …

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Feb 06 2006

The Steelers Stole It.

THE STEELERS STOLE IT 2/6/06 I’m not the world’s biggest Stupor Bowl fan, but even an idiot in a drunken stupor couldn’t honestly believe the Steelers won the game. Replay after replay, commercial after commercial, stupid commentator after stupid commentator, couldn’t deny or erase the fact that the ref was bribed. No one could deny …

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Feb 05 2006



SUPERBOWL STUPERBOWL AND SATANISTS 2/05/06 For all my international readers who do not understand the All American pastime of the STUPER BOWL please allow me to explain this insane custom. The STUPER BOWL IS: A flagrant American day of waste. Yes , STUPER BOWL SUNDAY is the day that many Americans sit around a living …

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