Monthly Archive: November 2014
Listening to and reading reports from the ultra liberal main stream media regarding Officer Wilson’s resignation I have become disgusted by the dismissive tones in their reports. Why should an outstanding police officer, who did his job and defended himself against a physical attack by Michael Brown be badgered and threatened by criminals, thieves …
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I have been carefully studying the media coverage of the Ferguson Riots. It is a crying shame to see what the people are doing to their own community and the burning and looting of businesses and burning and destruction of police cars and other vehicles and property. The rage and insanity of the Ferguson rioters …
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I have been a Bill Cosby fan since the 1960’s. His first comedy albums were hysterical comedic genius. He was the funniest guy on television and almost everyone in America loved him and laughed at his humor. I remember his being constantly seen in Playboy Magazine as a regular guest at the Playboy Mansion in …
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It appears that the Israelis have finally crossed the line with Islamic Insults with this latest example of an attack by Palestinians against the praying Israelis. One has to wonder what kind of prayers would get someone killed in a synagogue and if their god was really listening . It isn’t any wonder that the occupation of the Islamic Palestinian people would …
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Remembering Spring in November is one way to forget the cold weather, grey skies, bitter winds, bleak days, long nights, cold floors and frost coated windows. L.A. Steel Share
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The above picture depicts the graphic final results of the U.S national midterm elections. With the exception of a few state gubernatorial races it is virtually impossible to determine if Americans changed anything by their vote. It is known now that 2/3 of the electorate didn’t vote. Republicans always win in a poor voter turnout election. Democrats can’t …
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I have been trying to organize myself for the last few days and I am realizing that is a very difficult job. I got a new computer and needed to transfer and delete everything in my old computer. I have nearly 80 gigs of stuff that needs to be sidelined or deleted or revised or …
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The Republican Party won the Senate and kept control of the House of Representatives yesterday. I was very pleased that Connecticut’s Democratic Governor Dannel Malloy won his race, even though it was by a slim margin it was still a victory. What I dreaded most from this 2014 Midterm Election was exactly what happened to the Federal Government , …
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Color enhanced old B/W photograph, circa 1890 photographer unknown. Share
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As a Connecticut resident and an Independent voter, I was impressed with Governor Dannel Malloy in this morning’s most recent televised debate against challenger Tom Foley. Foley was thrown off balance by Malloy’s first hard hitting verbal punch, and never recovered his balance. Malloy fairly and squarely defeated Foley and took every punch Foley …
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Black and White stock photo color enhanced by L.A.Steel, photographer unknown, circa 1890-1904. Share
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