Monthly Archive: August 2013
The most wicked people on earth are those who wage war. Those who attack other countries simply to kill other people and destroy other cultures. These people are sociopaths and killers, crazed in lust of blood and power. Barack Obama and his demon possessed followers are trying to convince the American people to go to …
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This is one of the greatest anti war statements ever made. The fact that it was made by a Major General of the U.S Marine Corp in 1935 General Smedley Butler, a three time Medal of Honor winner makes it even more significant as a historical statement. Please read the history of General Smedley Butler …
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Source: “WAR IS A RACKET”.COM Mark Twain wrote this in 1904 to be published after his death and stated that, “I have told the truth in that… and only dead men can tell the truth in this world.” Mark Twain died in 1910. The War Prayer by Mark Twain It was a time of great …
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Today Obama has declared a full 100 missile strike will be waged against Syria on 8/30/13. Today the UN has declared that the Syrian Rebels launched the chemical attack not the Syrian Government. Russia and Iran have warned the U.S if they launch an attack on Syria it will be all out war. Obama is …
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I am glad I do not have a daughter growing up today. After I watched a few clips of the VMA awards I was disgusted by Miley Cyrus and Lady GaGa. This is a direct assault against all girls and women. What started with the virginal reversal of Olivia Newton John in Grease became the …
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I was within hours of dying, when I realized death and life were illusions. It is a polarity that humanity is subjected to. I learned we can’t escape physical death but we can postpone it if we understand what death really is. Death only occurs in the third dimension. Life goes on after death. When …
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Some singers are so incredibly gifted they inspire lifelong devotion from their fans. Linda Ronstadt is one of those gifted singers. She has given joy to millions of people of several generations, who have listened to the beauty of her voice. The two songs I chose as a tribute to her are two of her …
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The field of driven over dreams is where dreams grow before they come true. I dreamt of this field as a dream became real, and took this picture of the field. L.A. Steel Share
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The most heartfelt voices in song or speech touch the human soul. The site of a magnificent mountain view, or a vast ocean or the innocent beauty of a child, or the love we feel for another person or they feel for us are the most real, most honest and most heartfelt and unspoken truths …
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Only 2.7 billion people have access to the internet according to Mark Zuckerburg Founder of Facebook, who wants to connect to the internet the rest of the 4 billion people in undeveloped regions of the planet. I realized after reading that statement, from a recent article from Yahoo news, that I am extremely fortunate to …
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Walked on,ignored,and driven over are masterpieces of nature. Beauty,strength and endurance within a stone exterior. L.A. Steel Share
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This is a relatively unknown documentary about Woodstock New York. The history of Woodstock as a late 19th and early 20th century haven for artists and musicians is remarkable. Some of America’s most famous artists, actors and musicians lived and worked in Woodstock NY. Few people are aware of the rich history of Woodstock New …
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A running brook continues its course in daylight, moonlight and darkness. The cold water rushes over stones as they embed or roll with the current. The brook sings the songs of the earth, songs of anger, passion, love and compassion. Heavy rain or drought effect its depth and speed, as it moves onward through the …
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A Pit Bull was walking around his backyard one day, when it noticed a worm slowly moving in the grass. He put his nose against it and smelled it, then looked at it curiously and tasted it. It’s skin was slimy and tasted like dirt. He thought it was a curious animal as it moved …
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I have to laugh at the recent breakdown in Russian U.S relations. I realize laughing at the two world leaders dispute may not be understood by the serious politifiles who take foreign policy and international diplomacy seriously. Putin has disliked Obama since Obama was first elected President. I praised Putin’s alliance with Iran and again …
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8/7/13 As a tall ship in a storm America braces for a revolution. Our Captain is a madman, the harsh winds of oppression rock the tall ship on the violent sea. Before the ship capsizes we must seize the helm and ride out the storm. Our sails maybe torn, but our masts are not broken. …
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Geraniums and iron, created by the same God, grown and sculpted by man into different forms. L.A. Steel Share
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They are pink and red and green on brown ground in spring. Old friends’ reunite after a long winter away. They stay and sway and play in the spring days, until their petals fall and color fades and they fall asleep until next May. L.A. Steel Share
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