Monthly Archive: October 2014

Oct 30 2014

Painted Beauty A Shamanic Ritual

    A Shamanic Ritual, photographer unknown Share

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Oct 27 2014

A Walk in Fall

I went for a walk today. The sky was blue. The air was cold, the wind was brisk. I saw the reflections of red trees and autumn green, yellow, orange and gold. The road was yellow and blue. I walked as my mind evaporated into the afternoon. I smiled at the sun shining on the …

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Oct 27 2014

Great Pyramid Meridian Cross Section


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Oct 26 2014

Refugee of Fall (poem)

  A Refugee of Fall runs against the wind of time, dragging dead leaves and trees and flowers into the infernos of man made fires. A vacant bench under fallen leaves, oblivious to weather or time, is centered in the a universe as part of the seasons. Refugees of Fall enter the portals of the …

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Oct 24 2014

Refugees of Fall Photograph Series , 2014


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Oct 15 2014

A Dog Poem

  When my dog died I felt that I lost a part of me rather than a friend. My dog was an extension of me. He walked with me, and talked with me. He ate with me and sometimes he would sleep with me. He waited for me to come home. He slept soundly on …

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Oct 14 2014

A Tribute to Toulong, Rest in Peace, 10/14/14

I took these pictures of Toulong in 2009, when he was at the peak of his health. Toulong passed away today, he was almost 14 years old. His health began to fail several months ago,though he held on to life in good spirit until this week. He was a great friend and a wonderful dog, …

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Oct 13 2014



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Oct 12 2014

Dahlia Series, 2014


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Oct 10 2014

Trans-Dimensional Radio 10/9/14, Guest Peter Moon

Check Out Spirituality Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with L A STEEL SHOW on BlogTalkRadio Tonight my special guest is author and publisher Peter Moon of . We discuss his latest book The White Bat/ The Alchemy of Writing. This is a fascinating handbook for writers of fiction and nonfiction. Share

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Oct 10 2014

L.A.Steel Show / Union Issues 10/8/14

Check Out News Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with L A STEEL SHOW on BlogTalkRadio       Tonight we interview our special guest Larry Dorman Public Affairs Coordinator for AFSCME Union and Council 4 in Connecticut. Share

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Oct 09 2014

Blood Moon, 2014

    In the deepest night it passes over head. The doorway of death is the Blood Moon shining as the star gate to eternity.   The Blood Moon screams silently as it passes over humanity; eclipsing its own reflection.   Only blood stained souls fear and hear the cry of the Blood Moon and see …

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Oct 05 2014

Ebola In The United States Is A One Person Epidemic

  The great fear spreading throughout the U.S  concerning Ebola is another media hyped diversion away from all the other pressing issues in the country and around the world.  Isn’t it fortunate for those first “White” survivors of Ebola to have been treated with the only known vaccine, of which there was only two doses …

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Oct 01 2014

Washington D.C Protest Photographs from 1/18/2003 and 9/24/2005

    The following statement is the opening quote from the first paragraph of my book “Naked at the Mic / The Survival of a Liberal in a Time of Peril. ” It was nearly zero degrees in D.C on January 18th,2003 but Leila and I were warmed by our anger and the anger of …

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Oct 01 2014

The People of Gaza

        The people of Gaza live in a world where sorrow screams against war, death and Israelis.   They live in ruins of burning homes turned into tombs,where bullets and bombs continue to fall on everyone.   The people of Gaza are murdered by Israel’s weapons and buried beneath rubble and stone. …

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