Monthly Archive: August 2005

Aug 31 2005

A Bridge to Somewhere


A BRIDGE TO SOMEWHERE 8/31/05 I was watching television today and saw an endless stream of refugees from the devastation of New Orleans walking over a remaining bridge. I couldn’t understand where they were going. It seemed like they all had one destination in mind, thousands of people walking toward somewhere. Never in my lifetime …

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Aug 27 2005

Move far away from Move

MOVE FAR AWAY FROM MOVE ON .ORG 8/27/05 If you’re a true believer and you have to believe in something you could do a whole lot better believing in the existence of reptilian aliens ruling the planet than believing in Move on .org., although they may be one and the same. Move is a …

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Aug 17 2005

Slightly on the Left

SLIGHTLY ON THE LEFT 8/17/05 Just slightly on the left side of sanity is a small and comfortable place where I often dwell. Yes, often in my normal everyday battle for sanity I retreat to this corner, just left of my center mind that seems to welcome me like an old friend with a welcomed …

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Aug 16 2005

Out of the Loop

OUT OF THE LOOP 8/16/05 Have you ever been so distracted by news and current events and personal events that you just want to shut down for a while? I get that way sometimes. Every Tuesday I seem to get more and more anxious and more distracted by the smallest things. Today I noticed a …

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