Monthly Archive: January 2008
JOHN MCCAIN IS THE JINX OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY 1/31/08 It appears that the Republican Party has chosen a jinxed candidate as their presidential nominee. Joe Lieberman’s endorsement made that certain, and though John Kerry has endorsed Obama’s campaign John McCain was probably his second choice. John McCain was Kerry’s first choice for VP running …
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JOHN EDWARDS DROPS OUT OF THE PRIMARIES 1/30/08 John Edwards will be dropping out of the Presidential Primaries today according to the latest news reports. I’m sorry to hear it. He was the last hope the Democrats had of connecting with the real problems facing the country. His economic and end the war policy proposals …
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SLEEPING THROUGH G.W BUSH’S STATE OF THE UNION SPEECH 1/29/08 I honestly had every intention of watching George W. Bush’s very last State of the Union Speech last night. However, by 9:00 pm I was in a deep sleep. I was watching some talking heads on one of the stations around 8:00pm; until the discussion …
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THE CAMELOT OBAMALOT ALLIANCE 1/28/08 The rulers of the fabled kingdom of Camelot Princess Caroline , and her uncle King Edward made news this week by announcing their alliance with the fabled kingdom of Obamalot. King Barack Obama was pleased with the alliance; that he believes will greatly aid him in his war to win …
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HARVARD VS. YALE GAME AND THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES 1/27/08 I wish I could take the credit for this insightful observation, that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are the Ivy League players in the Democratic Presidential Primaries Bowl Game. My radio , television, and life co-host, Leila , has always been an astute observer of presidential …
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CALLING TO THE UNIVERSE 1/25/08 When someone calls to the Universe they receive their reply through intuition. The caller connects to the Universe through their thoughts. The call does not have to be vocalized it must only be clear. If I call someone by telephone I must be clear in what I say, and I …
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DRIVING IN THE RIGHT LANE MIGHT BE WRONG 1/24/08 200 million cars on American back roads and highways are all driven in the right lane. It is the most amazing example of public conformity that I can think of. Imagine 200 million cars with 200 million drivers all driving to different destinations and all in …
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MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY 1/21/08 Today the United States celebrates Martin Luther King Day. I am pleased that a national holiday was established to recognize the achievements and character of such a remarkable American. I will not attempt to write a gushing tribute to Martin Luther King. I only wish to express my appreciation for …
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A MESSAGE FROM THE INNER SANCTUM 1/20/08 Remove all fear and doubt from your mind. Move into the mist, with thoughts of achievement. The voice from within demands silence for it to be heard. All fear, all anxiety, all anger , hatred, sorrow, and strife, can not enter this sanctuary. Now listen to the voice …
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RECESSIONS AND DEPRESSIONS 1/18/08 It would appear from recent news reports that the U.S economy is now in a recession. Anyone who has experienced the rise in food and fuel costs for the last two years knew it was coming. Why does it take the G.D media so long to suddenly announce the obvious? What’s …
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NETWORK NEWS VS. THE FAMILY GUY 1/16/08 I heard a recent poll statistic on one of the network news programs, while I was surfing through the television stations. The news anchor stated; that 73% of Americans have no interest in the Presidential Primaries. It was shortly after 6:00pm E.S.T. when I heard this news item. …
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ALL TRUTH IS HALF TRUTH 1/15/08 “All Truth Is Half Truth” is a statement explaining a condition of one of the seven Cosmic Laws. We can only see half of all truth in our physical reality. Our spiritual reality mirrors our physical reality ; which is one of the Cosmic Laws, “As Above So Below.” …
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I WOULD VOTE FOR A GREEN, PURPLE POKA DOTTED , FIVE LEGGED, THREE ARMED, CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT, IF HE, OR SHE , WAS TRUELY QUALIFIED FOR THE OFFICE. 1/14/08 The recent racial issue, that has risen over the “Fairy Tale ” quote made by Bill Clinton, and made an issue by the Obama campaign, has …
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THE INNER SANCTUM 1/13/08 I usually visit the Inner Sanctum on Sundays, although it is accessable to enter any day of the week, and I try to visit as often as I can. It’s not an auspicious place. It has no statues, or stained glass, no gold chalices, or droaning services. I truly enjoy it …
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THE KERRY QUOTIENT , OBAMA + KERRY ENDORSEMENT = NEGATIVE ONE 1/11/08 John Kerry suddenly came out of the shadows of shame to cast his dark cloud of concession, failure, Skull and Bones , Democratic Establishment endorsement on Barack Obama. The most tragic part about it is, that Obama openly welcomed Kerry’s endorsement. I have …
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DOES BUSH WANT PEACE IN ISRAEL, OR IS HE TRYING TO ADD ANOTHER FAILURE TO HIS LEGACY? 1/10/08 Ole Georgy is at it again. He’s trying to make a last ditch effort at negotiating a peace agreement with the Palestinians and Israelis. I am constantly amazed at the misadventures, and incompetence of George W.. In …
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AND THE WINNER IS HILLARY???? 1/9/08 It is beyond the limits of any rational, reasoning , person’s ability to believe; that Hillary won the New Hampshire Primary without help from Diebold’s little election stealing elves, hidden inside the electronic voting machines. All exit polling data , the most accurate statistics in determining the outcome of …
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SEEING SOMEONE I HAVEN’T SEEN IN 15 YEARS Many people have experienced loosing contact with someone they knew. Some have lost contact permanently, and others temporarily. That someone could be an old friend, or family member, or an acquaintence we never wanted to see again. Recently I saw a picture , in a news item …
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HILLARY LOOKED GOOD ” TODAY” 1/7/2008 I saw Hillary Clinton’s Today Show interview early this morning. She was in New Hampshire in some lodge or hotel dining room. A fire was burning in the back ground , directly behind her. The viewer could only see tongues of flames licking upwards around her shoulders. It was …
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” “CHANGE” ARTISTS 1/6/08 I had always respected the word “Change”, until I finished watching the Presidential New Hampshire Debates last night. First it was overused and then became completely abused by the Republican candidates. Ron Paul was the only real voice of Change in that group. Unfortuately his message was muffled by Fred Thompson …
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THE WINNER IN IOWA WASN’T OBAMA 1/4/08 I believe, the hands down winner of the Iowa Caucus was John Edwards. Obama fired up the newbies,(remember Pat Robertson won in Iowa), but John Edwards has fired up the vanguard of the Democratic Party, the staunch mainstay of the liberal middle classes in the United States. Edwards …
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THE UNCHANGED I was recently (honored) by being granted a Favorite Status by a conservative talk show host . She noted in her message that though she was a conservative, and poked fun at liberals, and liberal programs, she felt compelled to place my program on her favorite status list. Her message stated that she …
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