

Jan 21 2008

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Today the United States celebrates Martin Luther King Day. I am pleased that a national holiday was established to recognize the achievements and character of such a remarkable American. I will not attempt to write a gushing tribute to Martin Luther King. I only wish to express my appreciation for a man, who created a movement, and extend my appreciation to everyone who stands up against insurmountable odds and oppression, to courageously fight for their rights and freedoms, and human dignity.

There are still many white and non white people in the United States, who belittle men and women of other races. I understand this and acknowledge the prejudice and bigotry of past and present generations. However, as a decendent of American Indians I recognize the hatred and horrors of prejudice; that were inflicted upon non white citizens, throughout the history of the United States.

The genocide of the indigenous American has never been fully acknowledge by the White American. There has never been a national day of atonement. The genocide has been documented as historical fact, it has been made into movies, and it has been glamorized and demonized, but never memorialized or officially recognized, as a U.S Government sponsored genocide; neither has Black American Slavery.

Had Martin Luther King been an American Indian leader it is doubtful that his message would have been as widely acknowledged . His method and message of non violence ushered in an era of forgiveness, and new found strength to the American Black Communities . The assimilation of the Black American has been far more successful than the assimilation of American Indians. The Black Americans’ embrace their faith in Christianity, which aided their political acceptance by the white majority during the 20th century . Powerful and commited allies of Jewish and liberal advocacy groups greatly aided the Black Movement in the 1950s and 60s. The acceptance of Black American music such as Ragtime, Jazz, Rock and Roll, Blues and Gospel, as well as the success of black songwriters, and musicians of POP music, scientists , writers, artists, scholars and activists, created an undeniable and unshakeable foundation of a valuable culture, that influenced industry,arts, and politics in America. It is because of these, and the remarkable courage and commitment of Black American leaders like Martin Luther King Jr.; that the great White door to opportunity, wealth,and respect, opened to Black Americans and will remain opened.

On this day of recognition America celebrates the contributions of a man; who’s vision of civil rights, and the dignity of every man, woman,and child changed the world. Yes, he “Changed”the world! Barack Obama owes much to the remarkable work of Martin Luther King Jr as well as Reverend Jesse Jackson, who ran for President in 1988, and delivered one of the most inspirational speeches I’ve ever heard at the Democratic National Convention that year. Americans can not forget the courage and inspiration and sacrifices of blood of millions of Black Americans, and all people from all races, who defended and died defending their Right of Human Dignity.

The blood and tears of millions of Black and Indigenous Americans have spilled on American soil. The blood and tears of millions of White Americans have spilled in the oppression of Black and Indigenous Americans. However, millions of White Americans have shed their blood and tears, and given their treasure; to protect, and defend their fellow Americans, regardless of their race. Without their sacrifices, all we are as a country could not exist. Today America celebrates the life of a great American; who through courage and faith in God and Mankind inspired a nation. People of all races and nations made this day possible with their political, physical and spiritual support, they deserve respect and recognition. They have made Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Dream”, a reality in their own lives, and continue to work diligently to preserve the dignity of that “Dream” for future generations of Americans.


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