Monthly Archive: June 2008
THE ILLEGAL ALIEN AGENDA 6/30/08 It isn’t an easy subject to talk about, but the onslaught of illegal immigration in the U.S is an apparent problem facing all Americans, regardless of their race or economic status. The main stream media is doing it’s very best to keep Americans uninformed on the issue and those in …
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BEYOND BUSH 6/29/08 What is the U.S to become after Bush has left office? I think it is a fair assumption that it might be a better place to live. I am optimistic however. G.W Bush has done his job. He’s virtually destroyed any last vestage of the Constitution. He’s destroyed the economy. He’s destroyed …
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OBAMA’S AND HILLARY’S $2300 KISS AND MCCAIN BECOMES JOHN “BOND” 6/27/08 $2300.00 and a kiss on the cheek got Barack Obama off cheap. No one is saying anything yet about Hillary as Obama’s VP choice, and it’s likely she won’t be. It’s better they kiss and make up now , than duke it out at …
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THE AUDACITY OF OBAMA’S PRESIDENTIAL SEAL 6/25/08 I had to laugh when I saw the recent gaff of Barack Obama’s new presidential seal placed in front of him at a recent speech he gave. It made me realize the amazing arrogance of Obama and his campaign staff. If anyone read the Tarot card reading I …
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A TAROT CARD READING OF BARACK OBAMA 6/23/08 This Tarot reading was done with the same method as John McCain’s reading. This reading is based upon The Elemental Power Spread, comprised of nine cards. As to my qualifications to read these cards, I have personally done numerous Tarot readings, with remarkable accuracy, and highly respect …
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A TAROT CARD READING OF JOHN MCCAIN 6/22/08 JOHN McCAIN’S TAROT READING This reading of John McCain was done with a nine card lay , The Elemental Power Spread. FIRST CARD: SUN . The positive definition of this card represents, a renewal of self however, it’s negative definition repesents a spoiled and childish attitude; that …
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THE NATURE OF THINGS 6/21/08 Nature is absolutely remarkable. It is understandable and predictable, mysterious and chaotic. It is the beginning and end of everything physical. It is beauty and horror , majesty and mayhem, misery and magnificence, simplicity and complexity, soft and hard, sweet and bitter, whole and hollow. If I plant a seed …
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MICHELLE OBAMA’S PRINTED AND PURPLE DRESSES 6/20/08 It is amazing to realize that Michelle Obama’s printed dress made a greater impression on American women than everything Michelle Obama has said and done since the beginning of her husband’s presidential campaign. I heard some female pundit compare her to Jackie Kennedy. Jackie Kennedy never wore in …
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WHEN CHRIS MATTHEWS, OR ANYONE ELSE BOASTS ABOUT THEIR JESUIT TRAINING , IS THIS WHAT THEY ARE REALLY SAYING ? 6/19/08 I have always been amazed at those in the media and politics who have so blatantly boasted about their Jesuit training. If anyone has ever read anything about the Jesuits, they would soon realize …
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THE HYPOCRISY OF ED MCMAHON, JOHNNY CARSON’S FORMER “LAUGH GUY” One of the most pathetic celebrities ever has got to be Ed McMahon. He was the former “Laugh Guy” on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show. This pathetic piece of work , is now publicly hawking his misfortune in a well promoted fire sale before the banks …
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AFTER THE STORM 6/17/08 I’m not complaining, I’ve only been out of phone service for three days, and had two trees fall near the house. For some technological reason I still have DSL service but no dial tone. You gotta love AT&T . “Were experiencing heavy calling to our Repair line so please wait for …
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TIM RUSSERT THE PATRON SAINT OF NETWORK NEWS HACKS AND WHORES 6/16/08 Enough already! How much more LOVE for the Patron Saint of bull shit news can the nation stand ? I witnessed the Tim Russert Love Orgy last night on the MSNBC re run of Meet The Press with all of Tim Russert’s Made …
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TIM RUSSERT THE LITTLE GOD OF NBC NEWS DIES AT 58 6/15/08 By now everyone who reads American newspapers or watches American television has heard about the death of Tim Russert. It is a tragedy that anyone should die at 58. Tim Russert was an unusual figure in American main stream media news . He …
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WRITING OFF THE IRAQ WAR 6/13/08 As a radio talk show host I have to keep up on the current news from around the nation and world. As I search daily for news of interest I have become alarmed at the lack of accurate war news on Iraq and Afghanistan in the media and on …
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A GRILLED CUP OF COFFEE AND TWO DAYS IN A POWER BLACKOUT 6/12/08 The lights came back on today, after two days without power. I was doing my FM radio show on Tuesday night when during the middle of my interview with civil rights attorney Harold Burbank, the first wave of severe lightening hit the …
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HEAT WAVE 6/9/08 In the brain sweating heat of a June afternoon the illegal breeze blows into the room. The air conditioned hum makes the cat scratch at the screen door to come in. The sweat on my face is preferable to a clorine and urine bubble bath at a public pool. The dog pants …
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WHO IS MRS. OBAMA? 6/5/08 There has been so little press coverage on Mrs. Obama, that the country really has no idea who she is. She looks like a normal woman but no one has unwrapped her yet. Mr. Obama has told the press to keep their hands off his wife. Ok , fine , …
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GET READY FOR AN OBAMANATION 6/4/08 I am having great difficulty accepting Barack Obama as a viable choice for President. However the thought of John McCain in the White House scares the hell out of me. So what is the rational choice to be made here? I honestly don’t know. I made a great mistake …
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