Monthly Archive: January 2010
THE MASSACHUSETTS REVOLUTION 1/20/10 I am proud of Massachusetts voters. I can imagine how they must of hated Obama for his betrayal. Every promise he made in his campaign was a lie and the people of Mass. considered the most Liberal state in the country kicked Obama and the Democratic Party in the groin last …
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THE TRIUMVIRATE OF EVIL 1/17/10 Latin tresviri or triumviri In ancient Rome, a board of three officials. There were several types: Tresviri capitales, or tresviri nocturni, first instituted about 289 bc, assisted higher magistrates in their judicial functions, especially those relating to crime and the civil status of citizens. Tresviri epulones, originally a board of …
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SMOKING 1/07/10 I have been a smoker for too many years to mention. I’ve quit twenty times. I can not understand the urge I have to smoke. It’s not that I want to smoke, it’s the urge to smoke that far outweighs the want. It is a lot like sex. Sex is an urge, that …
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A FEW MORE WORDS 1/06/10 I remember when Autumn cried and the wind blew her tears and leaves away. I remember her leaves on the now barren trees. They were beautiful in flaming red and gold glowing in sunlight before they died. L.A. STEEL Share
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A GET WELL LETTER TO RUSH LIMBAUGH FROM A LIBERAL 1/04/10 Dear Rush, I was sorry to hear about your recent illness. I was surprised at your sudden loss of physical stamina. I realized after I heard about your sudden illness I truly wished for your quick recovery. I realized that without you on the …
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A COLD JANUARY DAY 1/03/10 Today is the coldest day so far this year. Though it is only January 3rd. North West Connecticut got over four inches of snow today and the temperature never got over 20 degrees Fahrenheit. The wind is blowing at a reported 40 -50 miles per hour. I believe it …
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DOES ANYONE BELIEVE OBAMA? 1/2/10 Obama’s mask has seriously fallen off. He isn’t even pretending anymore. This latest terrorist threat is such a farce no one can take it seriously. A brain dead 22 year old Nigerian / Yemen/ supposedly Al Qiada member tries to blow off his penis in an airplane. There wasn’t even …
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JANUARY 1ST, 2010 I have decided to create a web journal beginning today as one of my New Year resolutions. I realized over the last many months as I have been working feverishly to finish my book and get it published, that I have more or less lost most of my mind. It has been …
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