Barack Obama, the great liar, lies again and again, but this time he said he was sorry for lying. Proof of the arrogance and indifference of this pathological liar is, that he doesn’t care that he destroyed the health coverage of millions of Americans with his insane healthcare plan by lying to them about the …
” Naked at the Mic / The Survival of a Liberal in a Time of Peril” Is a work of exhaustive research and remembrance as a historic account of the politics and social upheaval during the Conservative Revolution, that took place during the first decade of the 21st Century, as I witnessed and reported it …
THE TRIUMVIRATE OF EVIL 1/17/10 Latin tresviri or triumviri In ancient Rome, a board of three officials. There were several types: Tresviri capitales, or tresviri nocturni, first instituted about 289 bc, assisted higher magistrates in their judicial functions, especially those relating to crime and the civil status of citizens. Tresviri epulones, originally a board of …
GLANCING AT THE GLOBE AND G.W. BUSH 11/30/08 I’m uncertain what to call yesterday. Friday was known as Black Friday, I guess Saturday was Grey Saturday. Yesterday I was walking around Walmart checking out the less than exciting bargains.and I found nothing I wanted to buy; except for a tube of toothpaste and a can …
THE LAME DUCK PARDONS A TURKEY 11/26/08 Today G.W. Bush pardoned a turkey in honor of Thanksgiving. This was a symbolic gesture by the most inept president the U.S has ever had. In contrast to G.W’s idiocy , thirty minutes before the G.W. Bush farce , President Elect Barack Obama presented at a televised news …
TONY BLAIR AND GEORGE W. BUSH ARE TWO SHARKS SWIMMING IN A SEA OF SAND. 5/30/08 Tony Blair and G.W. Bush are without peer as the two most preditorial politicians in the world today. Their latest quest for conquest is the Middle East. Since they failed miserably at a military take over they are now …
ACCEPTING IT 11/8/07 I have always found that if I accept something I really do not feel comfortable accepting, I create a problem for myself. It is like accepting a neighbor’s package delivery, or someone elses bad news to relay to someone. Accepting can also be believing ; something that is, or isn’t true. I …
ROCKIN , ROLLIN , AND REELIN … 10/6/07 I was rockin , rollin, and reelin; after I heard the latest from the Madman President. “We don’t torture people.” What is this motherf…..r smoking? CRACK ? Why hasn’t the Secret Service put this lying , murdering, bastard in a straight jacket, and flushed his sqrawny ass …
FAREWELL TO BUSH’S TOP LIAR 9/14/07 I’m not surprised to see Tony Snow leave his position as Press Secretary. I’m surprised that he lasted as long as he did, considering his personal illness, and the daily stress and responsibility of his position to add air freshener to the Bush Administration’s daily flatulence of lies, aimed …
FALSE CHARITY 9/5/07 False charity is something everyone encounters at one time or another. Charity is a virtue. It is a noble cause and a noble deed. Giving to a good cause, or a concern from one’s heart is one of the most noble traits of mankind. It is this part of all of us …
RABID DOGS OF WAR 9/3/07 The Iraq war isn’t run by human beings,nor has it ever been. The U.S government has been taken over and ravaged by a vicious pack of grizzly war dogs. Hell spawned creatures, who thrive on death and destruction. Rabid, vicious, killers, unleashed upon the world , to destroy anyone or …
GONZO IS GONE 8/27/07 I can recall only one other Attorney General as bad or worse than Alberto Gonzo Gonzales in my lifetime his name was John Mitchell, Attorney General for Richard Nixon. His crimes got him jail time. He also was noted as a wife beater. His wife Martha Mitchell was responsible for cracking …
A FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE 7/12/07 “Ahhhhh,weeere seeing progress in Iraq— the surge is successful ! Those who don’t see it are Ahhhhh, and I don’t listen to polls. I ‘m the Decider see, and I decide what to decide.” A recent statement made by G.W Bush at a news conference. L.A. STEEL Share
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THE LONDON TERROR HOAX 6/30/07 Everything English is an absolute bore even their stupid terror hoaxes. I can’t stand anything to do with Great Britain, even the damned British accent has become intollerable to me. As soon as I hear a British commentator on television or radio I turn the station. I can’t stand the …
GOOGLING PARIS HILTON 6/29/07 I Googled Paris Hilton the other day and discovered to my amazement 6,040,000 results of her listed and exactly 6,000,000 results of G.W Bush. As remarkable as it is that Google would have 6 million mentions of either of them is insane,and proves the danger of Google’s ability to keep trillions …
LIBBY GOES TO JAIL , HILTON IS IN JAIL, L.A. STEEL IS FREE 6/5/07 Who would of thought that a guy like Scooter Libby and a girl like Paris Hilton would have ever wound up in jail ? It gives me a renewed sense of possibility and hope for the imprisonment of G.W Bush and …
WHEN THE LEFT TURNS RIGHT 10/16/05 I have wondered for some time why would a liberal minded individual suddenly completely turn around and become a neocon? MONEY. It has to be money. Neocons worship money. But then I wonder if I was offered 10 or 20 million to say I love G.W. Bush would I? …
RAP, RAP, RAPTURING AT Rap Rap Rapturing at My Door 9/7/05 Yes, please dear God take all the Bush family to heaven in a twinkling of an eye. Take the blessed Bush Administration straight to their just reward. God if they are truly deserving of heaven please leave me here. I do not wish to …
4/29/05 Social Security, the energy crisis, the Iraq war, judicial nominees, these were just a few of the issues mentioned last night in G.W’s televised press conference. “Yada, Yada, Yada, Yahooo! Amen”. For all the good it did he might have just said these magic words and left the podium. It was obvious to me, …
3/18/05 I’ve known too many SOBs in my life, so I feel qualified to describe the one trait that makes a person worth knowing. Integrity is the only characteristic worth mentioning. If a man or woman doesn’t have integrity I don’t want to know them or I’m damned sorry that I’ve met them. I’ve had …
3/5/05 HELLO! ARE YOU AWAKE? ARE YOU STILL IN KANSAS OR OHIO OR WASHINGTON D.C OR TEXAS OR MAYBE IN SOME OTHER GOD FORSAKEN STATE, FLORIDA MAYBE? I know it’s a long shot to be trying to contact the brain dead but hell if Bush can be the president of the United States then anything …
2/23/05 PREAMBLE: It has always taken just one person to get angry enough to either change himself or change the situation that angers him. First he must rationally identify what needs changing. He must reconcile through reason and research, that the anger he feels is either personal or universal in nature. Is his anger brought …
1/25/05 “Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, with conquering limbs astride from land to land; here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command the air-bridged …
1/05/05 “There is in a society that rests upon industry the constant danger of Barbarism…” Theodore Roosevelt The world has endured Feudalism, Communism, Fascism,Racism,Socialism,Stalinism, Catholicism, Protestantism,Zionism,Radicalism,Conservatism, and countless other isms, but now the world must endure the most ominous and globally threatening philosophy of world domination ever conceived and the driving force behind a military …
NEW ANTHEM FOR GEORGELAND 11/18/04 SUNG TO THE MELODY OF AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL Amerika,Amerika,god shed his grace on me and crown my good for the brotherhood from sea to blood filled sea. Oh,beautiful for chemtrail skies for every poluting industry’s gain. For corporate criminal amnesty above all legal blame. Amerika,Amerika, God speaks direct …
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