One billion Catholics have said AMEN to the rule of one of the most corrupt and evil Pope’s in history. He is the first Pope to have to resign in 700 years. They forget that all he has to really give up is his fish hat and his red shoes. Are one billion people in …
I decided that fighting this world system of institutional insanity isn’t worth my effort anymore. I’m not joining them, nor am I condoning the system I am merely ignoring it. I don’t care anymore about who runs governments or who has all the money or power etc. It is all a joke. It is a …
Ever 2/17/13 Ever is a vortex, where I move upwards and outwards, upside down, and backwards. Ever is beautiful, dizzying, dazzling, spectacular and wonderful. Ever does not hurt. It does not cry. It does not die. L.A. Steel Share
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2/11/13 The Pope is resigning, I guess that means he’s giving up his Christ on Earth job. Two other Pope Benedicts resigned. Now we know why Ratzinger became Benedict. He was going to be the third Pope to retire before he died on the job. I guess all of this present Pope’s past was just …
2/10/13 I have never been too concerned with probabilites of success or failure. I find the odds are the same for success and failure if I put as much thought in the possiblity of failure as I do in success. I would rather put all my energy into success of whatever it is I am …
2/9/13 I just finished shoveling off my car and door step. The Blizzard of 2013 was kind to us in Northwest Connecticut. We only got 12 inches of snow, where the rest the of the state got up to 36 inches. It was hard enough shoveling a foot of snow, but three feet can seriously …
2/8/13 The Northeastern part of the United States is expecting a blizzard today. I live in the Northeast United States and anyone who has lived here most of their lives are very use to blizzards. The worst part of a blizzard is waiting for it. You know you are going to get a storm, all …
2/6/13 I live in the here and now. I create every moment I live. I am here and now, not there and then, or where and when. I am here and now, until I completely ascend. L.A. Steel Share
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2/5/13 No one knows their Fate. The greatest plans for the future can be destroyed by a sudden change of the wind. A warm day can turn quickly into a cold and raining one by the change of the wind. An individual can be awarded a prize for a great achievement, then die the same …
2/4/13 All Super Bowl watchers last night were forced to watch The Booty Bowl Half Time performance play against the performance of the Sandy Hook Children’s choir. Why would any show producer deliberately pair the commemoration choir of the murders of 20 six year old children in Sandy Hook, with Beyonce’s sex riddled performance with …
2/3/13 John Kerry was sworn in as Obama’s new Secretary of State replacing Hillary Clinton. This nomination was Obama’s worst. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kerry paid him for the appointment from his wife’s ketchup fortune, to try to resurect his pathetic reputation; after he conceded the 2004 presidential election to his third cousin and …
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