Dec 28 2013
Tags: 7th dimension, ascension, enlightenment, seventh dimension, The 7th Dimension, transdimensionalism, vision
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Dec 17 2013
Channeled Text # 3 Enter into the divine light of creation. You see nothing to offend you. All who dwell on this dimension are spirits of light darkness does not exist here. All in this dimension exist in light.There is only joy, bliss and love. From here all wonders begin. All the wisdom and knowledge …
Tags: ascension, channeled text, Community of Light, enlightenment, Fifth Dimension
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Aug 21 2013
Only 2.7 billion people have access to the internet according to Mark Zuckerburg Founder of Facebook, who wants to connect to the internet the rest of the 4 billion people in undeveloped regions of the planet. I realized after reading that statement, from a recent article from Yahoo news, that I am extremely fortunate to …
Tags: advanced technology, benefits of developed nations, communications, enlightenment, Global vision, internet, phylanthropy, world poverty
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