

Aug 21 2013

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Grateful for Being Here

Only 2.7 billion people have access to the internet according to Mark Zuckerburg Founder of Facebook, who wants to connect to the internet the rest of the 4 billion people in undeveloped regions of the planet. I realized after reading that statement, from a recent article from Yahoo news, that I am extremely fortunate to have internet access, and use it daily for my work and communications. I was aware that much of the world was without the internet, but I hadn’t realized that it was so much of the world population. Over 4 billion people can not communicate as I do nor do they have access to the technology and tools so many of us take for granted and use everyday. My life has become almost completely dependent upon my electronic tools for my work, entertainment,communications and survival.

It is a true reality check to imagine our life without the technological advancements billions of us in the developed world take for granted. Simple necessities like clean water, electricity, public sanitation, public transportation, cars, safe housing, safe food, local,national and international communications are virtually unavailable to two thirds of the world’s population. I am so grateful that I have the simple necessities and the few luxuries that most of the people in developed countries take for granted.

As I write this today, I am thinking of the billions of people who will not read it, though they have internet access, and the almost 5 billion people who cannot read it because they do not have internet access. I am also considering as I write how absolutely fortunate I am that I can write and read and have the skill of typing. The thought of my good fortune compared with billions of other people, greatly humbles me, and makes me wonder how and why I am what I am, and how I got here. But so many other people have far more than I do,greater wealth, greater intelligence, greater opportunities, greater education, greater experience and wisdom and far greater advantages than I will ever have. For example Prince William and Kate and their new son Prince George of England have the greatest advantages the world has to offer. How can they rationalize their incredibly fortunate lives of unimaginable wealth and priviledge? All they did was be born into it.
I guess everyone fortunate to be born in a developed country have issues to contend with, and expectations from families,cultures and societies to live our lives successfully, and gratefully accept the advantages our parents,nations, and cultures provide.

Those who are the most successful in the developed world should be the most phylanthropic and willing to share their knowledge, wealth and vision for a better world. Rather than being jealous of those who have more material advantages in their lives, we who have less should be thankful that we live in developed countries and are able to enjoy and benefit from the tools and opportunities made available to us by visionaries, who have and are sharing their vision of global enlightenment with the world.

L.A. Steel

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