

Nov 15 2014

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RESULTS OF YOUR VOTE  The above picture depicts the graphic final results of the U.S national midterm elections. With the exception of a few state gubernatorial races it is virtually impossible to determine if Americans changed anything by their vote. It is known now that 2/3 of the electorate didn’t vote. Republicans always win in a poor voter turnout election. Democrats can’t blame anyone but themselves for being a rubber stamp for Obama’s destructive national and foreign policies, and possibly allowing Republican election fraud, which Republicans are notorious for.

It has only been a little over a week since the Midterm Elections and probably too soon to tell what will happen to the country based upon the Republican win, but I think Obama has planned a few very dangerous games with his Executive Orders, unless the new Congress cuts him off at the knees. Obama intends to grant 11 million illegal aliens amnesty and regulate the Internet as a public utility. These “orders” will destroy all freedom of speech on the internet and destroy all legitimacy to American Citizenship. By the single authority of Obama’s signature he will destroy this country’s immigration laws and place a crushing burden upon American social services, which are already overburdened by the excessive unemployment and poverty of legal American Citizens.

Winter has bludgeoned the United States. An estimated 250 million Americans are suffering under polar temperatures, ice, wind and snow. November has hit America with  more than one crippling threat.  President Obama is tripping around the planet meeting world leaders at  summits in China and Australia, threatening Russian leader Putin, and enabling the further destruction of the U.S economy and our national sovereignty by agreeing to the Trans Pacific Treaty. He is also promising 6.2 billion U.S  dollars to stem the tide of Ebola, while ordering the U.S militarily to secure for American oil companies the new oil reserves recently discovered off the coasts of Liberia and other Ebola “infected” West African countries.

God Bless America, is all Americans have left to believe in (except the arrival of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve).  George Washington stated in his first inaugural address that, he was certain the American Revolution could not have been won and the United States established wthout the “hand of Providence” guiding its success. As I continue to try and keep faith in this country and George Washington’s optimism for America’s future  I am forced to realize the dictatorship of Barack Obama and the powerlessness of Congress to stop him is America’s greatest threat.

L.A. Steel

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