

Mar 09 2017

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What Is Robert Reich Former Sec. Of Labor For Bill Clinton Trying To Hide ?

resisting trump 2 2017

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich seems to have a serious dislike for Donald Trump. In a recent Twitter tirade he stated five reasons Trump should be impeached. Of course not one of them was for having sex in the oval office with a 19 year old intern and lying to Congress about it, or creating a fraudulent Foundation to steal billions of dollars from the hurricane battered millions of Haitians , and stealing billions from charitable, giving American people, and sell State Dept. access to U.S enemies, to sell U.S weapons to terrorist sponsoring Middle East countries, and U.S uranium mines to Russia.

Robert Reich famously joked about how he and Bill Clinton often “inhaled” Pot in college and probably still do, after Bill Clinton was asked if he had ever smoked pot and he said , “Yes, but I didn’t inhale.” This is the same credibility problem the Clinton loyalists have with Donald Trump. Trump made all of them look like hypocrites, crooks and idiots. Robert Reich is a Democrat Insider who will go to his death bed swearing how wonderful the Clintons are and were, and how wonderful he is.  Reich has created “The Resistance Report” on Youtube and Facebook, filmed in a tiny closet, and he insists on resisting Donald Trump in every way possible. He has no more authority or power than a Rastafarian Rapper on You tube.

I would post a recent video of his , but I really don’t want to waste time or space on this site for his trash talk and Clinton/Democrat apology for being a corrupt and traitorous family, and associating himself with the most corrupt family in American Politics. Nothing Reich says is worth listening to.    He is living well and has some  credibility with Pussycrats.  He’s a shill and mouthpiece for the Democrats, and a hanger on to a failed and corrupt party and president.  Nothing Robert Reich says , did, or ever will do, will out last his 15 minutes of shame when he stated “he and Bill did inhale.’ The irrelevance of his career and statements are even more worthless than the forgettable speeches of his beloved Bill and Hillary Clinton. The only words they will be remembered for are “I never had sex with that women!” , and Hillary’s “Deplorable” speech in her 2016 campaign.  Try to repair that Mr. Reich with your ridiculous “Resistance Report” . The only movement you have created is your own bowel movements. Get off the air , get out of politics and go play with the Clintons, as they prepare a new PIZZA GATE Party  with “hotdogs” and children on the menu.  It wouldn’t surprise me if you were great friends with the Podesta brothers too.

L.A. Steel


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