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They are pink and red and green on brown ground in spring. Old friends’ reunite after a long winter away. They stay and sway and play in the spring days, until their petals fall and color fades and they fall asleep until next May. L.A. Steel Share
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7/26/13 Mahatma Gandhi said,” You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” I’ve thought about that statement for many years whenever I insist on political and social changes. I try to live in the spirit that substantiates and mirrors the changes I am seeking in the world. I continue to write …
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There has always been a prick elected for mayor of New York City, so having one called Weiner doesn’t change anything, especially one with a famous Twitter alias of Carlos Danger. There isn’t much to say about the Weiner’s qualifications. His testosterone levels are adequate, his latest prostate exam came back negative, and he’s married …
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7/23/13 America as a society has been drifting towards insanity for many years, but I believe since 2012 and the re-election of Barack Obama we have achieved the height of insanity as a nation and as a society. Barack Obama is by all in the know a complete corporatist, fascist, dictator held in power by …
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I believe this song is one of the best political statements ever made. It exemplifies the world wide rebellious and revolutionary spirit of the sixties and seventies and the revival of that spirit around the world today. World politics and societies have become far more corrupt and complex,and people are even more disallusioned and controlled …
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7/21/13 His smile was broad his teeth were white he shook everyone’s hand and said what they liked. He made many promises and the people elected him President, then he created wars,stole their wealth and betrayed them to banks and corporations. Obama had two daughters but regreted not having a son, and began to grieve …
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7/20/13 Barack Obama will not leave the Trayvon Martin issue alone. He didn’t get the race war he wanted so now he’s sulking and trying to make the Trayvon Martin issue personal, to further agitate racial unrest in this country. He can’t believe that no one is falling for his false emotional plea to incite …
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7/19/13 It is crazy hot today in New England. 100 in the shade and this is one of the cooler spots inland. I wonder what people without electricity are doing today? I remember old movies of people in Africa and on islands, wearing white suits and panama hats. Women and men laid in hammocks and …
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7/18/13 It has been strange lately ever since the Martin Zimmerman verdict came out this week. I haven’t seen such a flurry of activity on my Facebook page since the 2012 elections. The level of emotion is unequaled in my history with social media. From my Friends I must have recieve over 500 posts a …
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Here I present two video presentations by two of Obama’s previous supporters and now outspoken critics. One presenter is a Black American and the other is a White Liberal American. Both are citizens, both are patriotic and believe in the Constitution, and both are calling for the Impeachment of Barack Obama. We must all forget …
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7/14/13 If Barack Obama had not stated publicly that George Zimmerman was guilty and immediately side with Trayvon Martin, before any evidence was presented, George Zimmerman would never have been brought to trial and the American people would have been spared the national, racially charged tensions provoked by his trial. Instead Obama used his position …
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This song is my tribute to a few old friends of mine, and was sent to me by an old friend. L.A. Steel Share
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I don’t know what I’m saying but I think I’m saying that everything is going crazy. The entire world as I or we know it is going crazy. The entire world is going crazy. I realized a while ago that I don’t know what is really happening around the world and no one does. Some …
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The skies turned green. The humidity increased. My arms became sticky against the leather chair. The wet cotton of my shirt clung against my skin. The fan blew moist air. A cool shower relieved me for a moment, until I wiped off and began to sweat again. I remembered the feeling of cold winter winds, and cool autumn breezes, …
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6/30/13 Transdimensional Art is an artist’s projection of a spiritual image, sound,color or form. Every atom of our being is transcending into a higher vibratory dimension. Our thoughts are virtual and visual. Our entertainment is virtual, cartoons and fantasies are virtual creations. Schools, teachers and assignments are virtual lectures and documentaries seen and listened to …
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Wonder what happened to Occupy Wall Street? They got infiltrated, labeled a terrorist group, and every leader came under investigation and extensive surveillance by the FBI. This Russian Television interview with one of the leaders of Occupy Wall Street was posted on last year. Regardless of what happened it was a great movement, but …
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6/28/13 Like millions of other people around the world I have a Twitter account, but I dislike using it because I hate the concept of being a Follower. Everyone on Twitter is a Follower of someone else. I have broken down and followed a few friends who first followed me. The Twitter concept was new …
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