

Jul 21 2013

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There Once Was A President Named Obama (A Poem)


His smile was broad
his teeth were white
he shook everyone’s hand
and said what they liked.

He made many promises
and the people elected him President,
then he created wars,stole their wealth
and betrayed them to banks and corporations.

Obama had two daughters
but regreted not having a son,
and began to grieve for a dead boy
named Trayvon Martin.

His grief for the boy
could not be consoled,
when one day he publicly cried,
Trayvon Martin should not have died!

Even though everyone distrusted him,
as President he requested all Americans
protest against the verdict, that freed George Zimmerman,
the man who in self defense shot Trayvon Martin.

Trayvon Martin was not an innocent boy,
he fought,smoked Pot,and got suspended from school,
all of this Obama new and never mentioned
because he hated George Zimmerman.

Obama had so many scandals he was facing impeachment
and he did not know what to do, so he decided to
cause a national riot by racial tensions
over George Zimmerman’s acquittal.

Then one day a man appeared,
and demanded Obama apologize for slandering
George Zimmerman, and creating hatred against him,
and accused Obama of racism, high crimes and treason.

The world heard the man’s accusation and paused to hear
Obama’s reply. Obama accused him of Domestic Terrorism,
and had the man arrested and imprisoned
indefinately without a trial.

The American people wondered silently what happened to the man,
who accused Obama of racism and treason.
No one dared to inquire for fear
they would also be indefinately imprisoned.

The courageous man who accused Obama
was imprisoned in solitary confinement,
until one day he escaped with the help of his guards,
who took oaths to protect Americans and the Constitution.

A brave journalist told the world,
that the man who accused Obama of treason escaped.
Then all the world media questioned Obama
who could only seethe with hate.

Then the man who escaped prison, with
heavily armed guards at his side,
entered the White House, where Obama was speaking,
and shouted,”Arrest that man for treason!”

No one in the audience moved
as the man shouted from the doorway,
“As a citizen of the United States I arrest you
Barack Obama for high crimes and treason!”

The armed guards walked up to Obama,
pointed their guns at him, and said,” You are under arrest
by command of this American citizen.” Then Obama demanded
his own guards to shoot them,but no one defended him.

Then everyone in the room stood up
to applaud the man and the guards, and
cheered loudly as they put Obama in handcuffs
and marched him out of the room between them.

The world’s news cameras recorded
Obama’s desparate end.
Then the White House shook by the thunderous cheers
from everyone in the nation.

As Obama fought his guards and cursed all cheering Americans,
the man who arrested him stood on the stage and said,
“You see a man before you who was unjustly imprisoned by this President.
Barack Obama is destroyed by his lies, his treason, and his racism.”

L.A. Steel

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