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Gale Courey Toensing was a fearless journalist and outspoken Palestinian Activist. Gale was a friend of Leila’s and mine for many years and lived in the same community. Her birthday was on April 7th. The still photographs of Gale were taken in June 2009 at a bon voyage reception for Gale ad her friends …
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This is one of my favorite songs in the world. Leila and I would sing it each night with our guests, when we closed our FM radio show, on WQQQ103.3fm. Most Americans over 50 might remember this song, and Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. Hope you enjoy it. I wish all of my readers’ Happy …
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I have isolated myself my entire life in one way or another. either in anger, grief, humiliation, humor, interests, scholarly research or unrequited love. Life can be isolating even in a gathering of friends or strangers. I discovered 4th Dimensional existence many years ago when I studied spirituality and developed my sixth sense through the …
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See the Five Faces of Steel Series at my Art and Photography of L.A.Steel website linked on the Header Menu of this website. Share
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I thank Earl Bailey a FB Friend for this compilation of Joe Biden’s pathetic political history. 25 Things You Might Not Know About Joe Biden 1.) Vowing Not to ‘Demonize’ the Rich, Biden Tells Billionaires ‘Nothing Would Fundamentally Change’.…/vowing-not-demonize-rich… 2.) How Biden Helped Strip Bankruptcy Protection From Millions Just Before a Recession. “And, gallingly, the …
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I am greatly disappointed in the Left-Leaning Internet News and Opinion Media for giving Bernie Sanders’ eulogy after his Super Tuesday’s defeat in Michigan. I hoped that Michigan would vote for Sanders’ but it appears they voted in droves for Biden. AOC declared the DNC rigged the primary through voter suppression as they did in …
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Take him or leave him Ron Paul speaks sense to many Americans and that is why the media and politicians shut him out of the political dialogue in America. Ron Paul has always ‘told it like it is” and in this short video he explains the power grab of the Corona Virus around the world …
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Here is the big debate in case you missed it last night. The bottom picture doesn’t do Bernie justice until you hear what a pile of lies and bullshit Biden threw at him. I would like to see this debate staged as a WWE event headlined Mad Bernie vs. Crazy Joe no holds …
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The Coronavirus has so far infected 128,000 people in 114 countries, with 4700 deaths. Where it came from and how it spread so rapidly is still a mystery in the world medical communities. As of today, three states in the U.S have closed all their PK-12 schools leaving over 5 million children to stay at …
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I’m glad Andy Wang dropped out of the presidential race a month ago, yet like all the other lame deceitful Democrat losers he waited until Bernie needed his endorsement and sold out to Biden and the DNC establishment. Democrat reformers like Wang and Warren are mostly bullshit artists looking for name recognition and money donations. …
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Bernie Sanders is balancing on a plank held up only by his loyal followers while all the “Democrat’ Sharks are waiting for him to fall into their jaws. I will make this statement today that if the nomination is stolen from Bernie Sanders I will never vote for another Democrat as long as I …
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The fact that Elizabeth Warren couldn’t win her own state of Massachusetts tells everyone she didn’t have a chance to win a general election even against Trump. “Pochahontas” would have scrunched her face and waved her fist at Trump as he mocks her and the world laughs with him. Warren does not appeal to …
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Super Tuesday proved that Bernie’s youth movement of loyal voters vanished in the Democrat establishment labyrinth of closed polling places on college campuses and rural polling places suddenly closed for no reason other than to suppress the liberal poor and youth votes in the primary states. Texas closed numerous polling places in Latino communities as …
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The Super Tuesday Democrat blowout brought out all the Democratic Walking Dead to the polls to vote for Joe Biden. Most early voters who voted for Butigeig, Kolbachar or Steyer lost out completely as these walking dead democratic candidates died before the primaries and endorsed Walking Dead Man Joe Biden. The Walking Dead Democratic Party …
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First published on May 7, 2015 REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS SUCK! Bernie Sanders is a firebrand, Independent, senator from Vermont, who according to recent news reports has already raised $3 million dollars since he announced three weeks ago that he was a candidate for President in 2016. Bernie Sanders is a self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist with a …
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Democrat “King Maker” Rep. Jim Clyburn stated when giving his endorsement to Joe Biden, ” We vote for Presidents in So.Carolina.” In 2016 Hillary Clinton won 83% of the Black vote in So. Carolina and lost her election to Trump. It appears that the So. Carolina Black Voters missed their mark with that vote. The …
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Mike Pence has been noted by many political critics ( particularly George Will) as being a complete idiot and Trump sycophant who will say and do anything Trump asks him to do. Yesterday at Trump’s Coronavirus News Conference, Trump said after downplaying the significance of the pandemic the previous day in India, he again stated …
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After last night’s Democrat Debate Disaster poor Joe Biden lost his cool (if he ever had any) and became “A lying dog-faced pony soldier” after he was unable to finish his rant against the CBS debate monitors Gale King and Nora O’Donnell who constantly skipped over Biden and called on others who then attacked …
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“MONEY MIKE” Bloomberg is spending $500 million dollars of his own personal fortune on attack ads against Bernie Sanders, that amount of money could permanently feed, clothe and house every homeless man, woman, and child in the country. In the last devastating Democrat debate, Bloomberg was destroyed by Warren and Sanders for trying to buy …
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With his eleven recent pardons of notorious murderers crooks and thieves, Trump is planning his new Cabinet. Bill Barr will soon be fired and replaced by Crystal Munoz who in 2008 was convicted for conspiring to possess with intent to distribute marijuana, according to a petition filed by the Criminal Defense Clinic at the Texas A&M …
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Tom Perez Chairman of the DNC has turned the Democratic Party into the most corrupt and moronic political organization ever created. His incompetence and corruption are so completely obvious to most Americans, especially after the DNC debacle in the Iowa Caucus benefitting Buttigieg and the recent rule changes to allow Bloomberg to enter the …
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Few people seek the dream of a new world or a new America where corruption, greed, cruelty, and ignorance are absent from the minds and hearts of men and women. Humanity must envision a blissful world of harmony, hope, and endless possibility where humanity and nature are one and humanity respects the beauty of nature …
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It has become obvious to even the lowest information Americans that something is terribly wrong with Donald Trump. He’s become completely erratic and incomprehensible as he slurs his speech and talks insanely on practically every topic he speaks on or question he is asked by the press. He is firing all or most of his …
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(Howard Zinn) “Being optimistic in bad times is not romantic and foolish. It is based on the fact that the history of humanity is a history not only of cruelty but also of sympathy, sacrifice, courage, and teamwork. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only …
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Trump will never be forgiven or acquitted by the American people, except by his Neo-Nazi fascist followers and hate-driven evangelists. I believe if there is any sense of decency or morality and justice left in America Trump and his sycophants in the Senate and House of Representatives will be destroyed and cast into the oblivion …
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This RT video report is proof that the Democrat Iowa Caucus was rigged for ButtIgeig by the Democratic Party even though Bernie Sanders really won by a landslide. This video report lays out the entire plot by Buttigieg and his connection to the “Shadow” company that created the App that screwed up the Iowa Caucus …
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I was embarrassed and humiliated as an American citizen last night after struggling through the first five minutes of each pathetic speech made by both political parties. Trump’s speech was so poor and sick I could not tolerate more than five minutes of it without turning off the television. I watched only a few minutes …
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The total incompetence of the Democratic Iowa Caucus officials and low information, low tech party officials and voters on 2/3/2020 will be remembered in history as the day Iowa died as a political power in presidential elections. There is no excuse for the Democrat Party officials’ utter incompetence handling their primitive Caucus. The Iowa Caucus …
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If the Iowa Democratic Party hasn’t rigged the Caucus results I predict Bernie has won by over 50% of the voters. Bernie supporters can only hope the DNC doesn’t fuck them over again as they did in 2016. Interestingly enough the Des Moines Register Poll one of the oldest and most accurate in the state …
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Trump’s and Republicans’ evil is now aware to everyone. We have to wonder how much they all got paid by the Russians to betray the country. Every Trump lawyer and spokesperson are as evil and traitorous as anyone has ever seen in American History. Share
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This is the final episode of Trump’s Impeachment defense by the “Confederacy of Dunces” which is the new name for Trump’s attornies given to them by Joe Scarborough a former Republican Congressman and current host of the MSNBC morning program “Morning Joe’. Joe also named Mitch McConnel “Moscow Mitch” which became McConnel’s viral new nickname. …
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Seldom in my lifetime have I heard such a moving speech. Adam Schiff will be recognized in history as one of America’s greatest elected officials and orators. His closing argument to the Senate should be watched by every American regardless of political party or preference. Representative Adam Schiff has proven his brilliance repeatedly during his …
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As an eye witness to the entire televised public Congressional Impeachment hearings and the Senate Impeachment trial, (all archived on this website) I am convinced honest and patriotic Americans who followed any of the House hearings and Senate trial, cannot honestly believe the Senate should dismiss the Impeachment of Trump, and not demand critical witnesses …
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Today is a historic moment in U.S History. Impeachment Manager for the House of Reps Rep.Adam Schiff reads the Articles of Impeachment of President Donald Trump to the Senate. This reading marks the official notice of the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate and the beginning of the Senate trial to remove Trump from …
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Lev Parnis made history yesterday in his official release of damning evidence against Trump and every member of his Administration including Trump’s trained monkey Rep.Nunes. Also, he gave an interview with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Lev Parnas revealed the depth of the conspiracy Trump and his top Cabinet members were involved with led by Rudy …
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