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Nov 18 2019
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Nov 18 2019
Being in Ambassador Gordon Sondland’s shoes today would be one of the worse possible places in the world except, for where he will be on Wednesday appearing in front of the House Intelligence Committee in a public Impeachment hearing as a star witness to the crimes of President Donald Trump. Sondland must realize what …
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Nov 18 2019
The Quad is comprised of four of the most fanatical far-right reactionaries in the House of Representatives taking on the impossible impeachment defense of Donald Trump, while Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Guliani is about to be indicted for bribery and treason, and Trump’s former personal lawyer Micheal Cohen is serving 3 years in jail for campaign …
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Sep 24 2019
The Death Sky Photograph Series was inspired by the horrendous chemtrailing I personally witnessed and documented in the sky over the North West Corner of Connecticut on 11/15/2015. The entire series of 25 photographs are featured on the artandphotographyoflasteel.lasteelshow, org website. My first exposure to Chemtrails was in 2002 when I noticed the skies over …
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Sep 18 2019
Please visit my art and photography website featuring hundreds of series and individual pictures of floral, natural landscapes, towns, countrysides, and portraits. There are also featured many of my television programs and documentaries My entire exhibited collection of over 1000 unique works are available to view in hundreds of individual galleries and presented by …
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Sep 13 2019
Revelation 13 King James Version (KJV) 13 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, …
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Sep 01 2019
Owning a gun in the U.S is not a crime nor should it be, but allowing anyone of any age to buy a gun or use a gun is insane. Children as young as five years old have fatally shot themselves or someone else because their idiot parents left a loaded gun unlocked and …
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Aug 29 2019
The above picture is of Trump addressing the Alabama Republican Party. _____________________________________________________________________ Alabama is not known for anything of value other than racists and abject poverty worse than any third world country according to a UN inspector’s report. The overwhelming ignorance of the state and federal Republican lawmakers is beyond absurd. They should be completely …
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Aug 21 2019
Trump believes he is the King of the Jews. Trump is not Jewish or king of anything. He’s the biggest idiot this country has ever had as president. If the God of all creation does not take offense to this sacrilege and abomination of narcissistic evil, then the world is doomed to perish and there …
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Aug 20 2019
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Aug 06 2019
A warning to all violators of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. The recent mockery, insults and threats towards Alexandria by a punk ruled school of Catholic Conservative Cultists, will not be forgiven by anyone who has an ounce of self-respect and respect for women. I have never witnessed in my lifetime such hatred and white male pubescent …
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Aug 05 2019
Poor Moscow Mitch has taken a fall and broke his shoulder. He’s in his seventies and his bones are brittle he’s slower and meaner than ever. Moscow Mitch has been found out to be a Russian sellout, along with everyone in the Republican Party. Mitch McConnel has become an evil comic book character named “Turtle …
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Jul 25 2019
Yesterday’s Judiciary Committee hearing was the most difficult hearing for Mueller due to the ridiculous and ludicrous “questioning” by the Republican committee members attacking him and others on the Special Prosecutor’s selected team of investigators showboating their own Republican stupidity for all the world to see. Jim Jordon, the greatest idiotic in Congress did not …
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Jul 20 2019
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Jul 13 2019
Not a day has gone by in the last few months when someone picks a fight with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. Trump recently sent out a Tweet stating “AOC should respect Pelosi.” What a fucking joke. Trump has called Pelosi every choice name he could think of and has stated publicly he has absolutely no respect …
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Jun 03 2019
l laugh whenever I hear some elderly Trump Lover get angry at Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. Supposedly two elderly Veterans walked out of AOC’s community meeting and stated to a reporter that they “couldn’t stand her BS” about Trump being an autocrat and whatever other truisms she stated. These old Vets would never listen for long …
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