Tag Archive: rigged elections

Jun 13 2007


WHAT IS THE POLITICAL LEFT? 6/13/07 What and where is the political left? I thought I was on the Left once. I thought liberalism was left of center politically. I don’t believe it is anymore. I believe liberalism (believing in the good of Humanity) is dead center. Everything left or right of center is insanity, …

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Permanent link to this article: http://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=2068


Apr 30 2007


IMPEACH THE BASTARD!!!! 4/30/07 What in hell is the Congress waiting for? There has been enough evidence to impeach G.W Bush and his entire administration since he first took office in 2001. After the 2000 elections the entire world knew that Bush was not elected President. Voter fraud was so rampant and evident that even …

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Permanent link to this article: http://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=2274


Feb 15 2005

I’m running out of hatred

2/15/05 I woke up this morning with a sense of loss and emptiness that I couldn’t understand until now at this writing. It became apparent to me after listening to Rush Limbaugh for five minutes today, that my sick and empty feeling was caused by my utter contempt of what the Democrats and Republicans did …

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Permanent link to this article: http://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=182
