

Jan 18 2009

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Obama’s Train Ride to History


Barack Obama has made history, and perhaps in homage to the great and not so great presidential predecessors a train ride and back step into Abe Lincolns footsteps is a good idea. I hope he has the ability and independence of will and courage of action to stand against all who are set to destroy this country. I hope he is not just another token figure and front man for the Globalist Cabal. I hope as do 79 percent of Americans that Barack Obama is the right man for the job .

Cynicism aside it is time now in U.S history to welcome the new President and hope that he will bring the welcomed change he has promised the American people. I believe he takes this job seriously and honestly, I see the gleam of hope and resolve in his eyes and hear it in his speeches. I see the tears of joy and hope in the eyes and on the faces of young and old black Americans who have seen the dream of their fathers’ and grandfathers’ fulfilled. It is a good time and a great time for all Americans to rejoice in faith and hope for a new America. There will be plenty of time for disappointment and scorn and criticism after Barack Obama is inaugurated and begins his term in office. America needs a leader we can be proud of , one who is intelligent, and capable enough to remedy the ills and wrongs of this country and sustain the hope and faith of Americans in his leadership.

President Barack Obama has already created the miracle of his vision into reality. Americans can now only hope and pray that the vision includes all Americans and our nation’s greatness will be restored as the bleeding of our soldiers and our millions of suffering citizens stops.

Justice will not be served nor will this country heal,unless all who have plundered and betrayed our country are brought to justice. No pardons or mercy should be given to these traitors. G.W Bush and all who have brought the United States to the brink of ruin, by their larceny and deliberate lies and deceptions should pay dearly for their crimes and conspiracy. Unless this is done and all are exposed for their crimes against the people of United States and Humanity , Americans will never know the depth of the vast criminal activities of the G.W Bush Administration, and those of his many collaborators, who still hold power in the government. Americans must appeal to their new President that these criminals be punished. I cannot believe once President Obama sees all the deceptions, destruction and criminal actions committed by G.W Bush’s Administration, that he will not call for a sweeping investigation . If he does not, then Americans and the world courts will..


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  1. Celeste

    we all know why this site is so useful. congrats

  2. Branca

    great job. keep it up.

  3. Expedita

    this has to be the best, just keep updating here, will be back for more!

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