

Oct 20 2005

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It has been little more than three weeks since 9/24/05 and the D.C anti war rally. I have seen only three other articles in the media about the Tularemia exposure of 300,000 protestors. The first article was the Washington Post on 10/1/05 published six days after the government and CDC were aware of the exposure without putting out any alert. The second article was ABC News.com not their television news show. The third article was my own which I published on this website 10/01/05 after I read and validated the first two articles and validated the spraying by talking to Dr. Doug Rokke Medical Planner for Gulf War 1 and 2 who said, that there was no doubt that they sprayed the protestors with the Tularemia Bacteria Weapon grade aerosol, the government has done it before on the civilian population of the U.S. The forth article I discovered was Bob Fritakis’s of Free Press .org published on 10/4/05 where he accused the government of spraying the rally. Not another article appeared until this week on Tuesday 10/18/05 on Salon.com where by numerous people interviewed for the article had developed serious symptoms of the Tularemia infection; this was the final article I have discovered since the 9/24/05 discovery of Tularemia exposure in D.C. In the Salon.com article those experts and medical personnel interviewed were shocked and could not understand how this obvious and dangerous terror attack could go un reported by the media in general. It became obvious to me early on that the entire incident is being covered up and the main stream media as well as the bullshit bloggers are ignoring this like the plague. (no pun intended)

I have learned that the most read bloggers are potentially government agents and propaganda. Even those who give the face of a Liberal website may in fact be a government cover. With enough money and clout behind someone they can reach a vast number of unsuspecting truth seekers to try and steer them away from the truth. I know because I have read too many of them . I was shocked and extremely disappointed by many of them in the last several weeks. It is either cowardice cronyism or a regular government paycheck that keeps these creeps on line. The great lesson I have learned is you cannot trust anyone who does not put the people first. Anyone who does not put the concerns and safety of their fellow human beings first in their quest for the truth will never find the truth. Egotists, generalists, hacks and hypocrites are the majority of blogs and websites. If you’re seeking the truth don’t expect it from the main stream press either. Their total reason for being is to sell ad space and distract and entertain. They create the great smoke screen that allows these atrocities to occur unimpeded, unknown, and continuous. I commend the Washington Post for their first article but, unfortunately I haven’t seen a follow up story from them since. Were they told to shut up by the Whitehouse or were they guided more by their own cowardice in publishing and stopped the reporters from continuing their investigation? I think it is the later.

I have done three radio shows on this subject, three entire television program and two articles this being my third article on the subject of the Tularemia Bacteria Alert; which has been confirmed by the CDC and Homeland Security. Why the hell isn’t anyone taking this seriously? In the Salon .Com article it was stated that an exposure of Tularemia in a city of 5 million people would infect at least 250,000 with symptoms that would develop within 14 days into 19,000 deaths. I propose to anyone that if you directly expose 300,000 people by directly spraying them overhead by helicopter, which was witnessed by many I have spoken to, then the average intellect would deduce that at least 300,000 were immediately exposed, of that number there is a likelihood of probable statistics that at least 19,000 people have died or might die from their exposure, unless treated accurately for the tularemia bacteria. Many of the symptoms will be misdiagnosed because the early symptoms are flu like and may be ignored by the infected individual. According to the Salon.com article and my own interviews with many who were at the rally and exposed to the Tularemia Bacteria ; they all experienced sore throats , congestion, headaches, nausea, severe exhaustion and various other early symptoms of direct exposure. The symptoms were not the same for everyone, some had severe headaches, congestion, nausea but not all were affected in the same way. Symptoms varied but most were noticed by the infected victims within the 6 day window and some upwards to 14 days. Many people who were exposed may still be suffering from these symptoms and have not seen a doctor yet; as noted in the Salon .com article and in my own interviews with several who had symptoms but did not check with a doctor. Fortunately for many the symptoms passed and their health resumed to normal but I am certain there are many thousands of exposed individuals who are severely suffering and perhaps have already died. Death from Tularemia exposure can be undetected and mistaken for death by pneumonia or respiratory failure, or some other fatal ailment brought on by this fatal exposure to the bacteria. Unless Coroners and hospitals are notified of the alert the proper tests will not likely be done nor will autopsies be requested by the families. In my own area in Connecticut none of the hospitals were notified of this alert, even though the CDC stated in the first Washington post article of 10/1/05 that all medical communities in the country would be notified. 300,000 exposed individuals scattered throughout 50 states; their symptoms will virtually go unnoticed by the medical communities. 19,000 deaths by flu like symptoms or pneumonia or respiratory and heart failure would fall within the normal country wide death rates, since these deaths would be either of unknown causes or causes very commonly accepted within the medical communities and would not raise unusual alarm. Tularemia is the perfect weapon.

It has been almost one month since my own exposure to Tularemia and I am all right and have no symptoms but, I consider myself extremely lucky in this regard, since others I know personally have had symptoms. The very hard lesson I have learned and wish to express to my readers in this article is that you can no longer trust your government; who have admitted to past biological weapon experiments on the U.S population. We can no longer trust any liberal or conservative websites or organizations or blogs to give honest information regarding government conspiracies against their own people. We can no longer expect any cooperation from our elected officials with regards to congressional inquiries or independent investigations into the secret bio weapon projects currently or historically being created and then tested on innocent civilians, without the consent or knowledge of the American people. Consider the bogus 911 report and countless other useless whitewash reports. We are a nation under siege, a nation of unsuspecting guinea pigs for government and corporate experimentation. Unless this is known and people are willing to fight against this treachery we will not survive this decade without the total loss of our health and freedom.

Conspiracies abound regarding international and global plans for massive population reduction within the next decade. I have seen official reports from powerful international organizations, recommending a 2/3 reduction in human population by the year 2050. The recent bird flu is merely a warning to the global communities of things to come. The African Aids pandemic was brought about by vaccinations stated to prevent the disease, but in fact was the major transmitter of the disease; this has been told to me by independent human rights watchers and health personnel working in the infected areas of Africa. Why is there such mass media coverage of 100 deaths by an isolated strain of avian flu when, a known bio weapon was identified by CDC and Homeland Security to have been sprayed on 300,000 people in the capital of the United States; resulting in the probable deaths at least 19,000 U.S citizens from flu like symptoms, goes virtually unreported. In the afore mentioned U.S Government report (Global 2000 Report)  that I read recently, it stated that one third of the American population must be terminated according to globalist plans by 2020. The murder of at least 19.000 citizens is a very good start and a sudden strain of avian flu (most likely manufactured bio weapon) will give the world governments a good head start on the 2050 mandate.

Please consider how the war in Iraq has devastated the Middle East environment with depleted uranium and biological and chemical weapons. Iraqis now suffer the highest rate of birth defects in the world. It is known by our military and scientific communities and our congress that the contamination of Iraq can not be cleaned up and will be radioactive for one billion years. The radioactive contamination is due completely to the use of depleted uranium in the munitions used in the Iraq War. These facts are also relevant to the entire country of Afghanistan. The expected severe illnesses resulting in death contacted by the current Iraq conflict will be at least 100,000 men and women who are now experiencing symptoms of Gulf War Illness, relegated primarily to their use and exposure to depleted uranium. At this writing the U.S government knows about the consequences and yet is denying vets the proper tests and medical attention; while aggressively recruiting our young men and women for military service; without informing them of the inevitable hazards they will be exposed to by their own government. Deadly hazards of unproven vaccines, exposure to depleted uranium, undeclared bio weapon exposures, potential birth defects and other long term illnesses they can be certain to receive, aside from the assault on there sanity. Today’s 10/20/05, USA Today reports on its front page that 1 in 4 returning veterans are mentally ill. Diagnosed with severe depression and Post Traumatic Stress , many are suicidal, and are not receiving the proper treatment for their ailments. At the same time the Bush Administration is cutting back on all medical benefits for the VA. refusing to admit the existence of Gulf War Syndrome, even though they are well aware of its causes and the real and serious effects of this disease.  Joyce Riley so aptly titled her documentary, Beyond Treason. This criminal and deliberate assault on the U.S people, and the total disregard and criminal neglect of our government towards veterans is Beyond Treason. It is beyond comprehension, but it is real and it is heartless and it is happening now, and thousands and millions of people are dying every minute and hour because of the genocidal policies of our own government and other globalist, cooperative, complicity genocidal governments around the world.

Wake up America it is almost too late!!! For more info please go to Beyond Treason.com and order the video, vets can get it free.  Other sites are traprockpeace.org, project shad.gov, and bt.cdc.gov/tularemia. also U.S Government’s  Global 2000 Report and the U.N’s  Agenda 21.  Remember that most bloggers and websites are not what they seem. Know your sources before you trust anything they say. Read their archives, look at their sponsors. If they have not mentioned this urgent bio hazard alert and profess to be a concerned liberal or conservative site, or organization political or otherwise, then chances are they aren’t all that concerned or they are not very well informed , or they are an arm of the Democratic or Republican party, or a direct CIA or Department Of Defense site designed to divert readers away from the truth. Readers must be very suspicious of anything sites may be stating. You may question what I have stated and that is your choice to do so. I only ask that you put as much thought and healthy skepticism in all other blogs and sites that you venture to in your search for truth. I believe if you do you will return to this site time and again just to verify what others are saying or not saying. If for no other reason you will at least read a heartfelt, honest, unaffiliated and unpaid for opinion.

L.A. Steel

Permanent link to this article: http://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=396



  1. Darliane

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  2. Elda

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