

May 24 2007

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I like many Americans and other people around the planet, have seen the chaos and calamity in Iraq on television. It is a nice safe distance away from the war. Riding through the North Western Hills of Connecticut, with the skies clear, except for chemtrails , and the temperature at 85 degrees, one would never know the world was at war in so many countries.

It is such a sanitary way to view the suffering of other people. I flinch and moan at the staggering rise of gas prices and the inconvenience of having to wait too long at a stop light. I get annoyed with my dog when he doesn’t come into the house when I call him. I get upset at the annoying pain of a hangnail or if I stub my toe. I get angry when my computer is too slow. These are just a few of my daily annoyances that disturb by peace of mind.

Am I selfish I wonder? Am I just a selfish American male wanting to get home after work and have a beer, or cook a steak on the grill for supper? Am I selfish and petty and apathetic because I don’t stand in a picket line or throw eggs at Bush’s limo, or sleep in a tent with the homeless? I suppose I could do all of those things, but I really don’t want to. It’s too much trouble. I’ve been to protest rallies. It’s fun the first few times, then one day you decide you would rather stay home on the weekend, sit back and bitch about it all in the comfort of your Lasy Boy. The priviledge of being an American is that I have that choice. I am thankful , but do not understand why anyone volunteers to fight in Iraq and elsewhere. I realized my conscience can be satisfied by sending an email to a congressman or senator and tell them to get us the hell out of Iraq and Impeach Bush. That is my priviledge as an American. It’s much easier and just as effective as marching around in a protest rally.

The point I’m trying to make is that who ever is living in the United States is better off than anyone living in Iraq. Even a homeless person in the United States is better off than anyone living in Iraq. No market place bombs. No suicide bombers. No roadside bombs. Plenty of safe park benches and dedicated policemen who arrest the bad guys. Lot’s of help for poor people with children. It might not be all roses, but it’s better than being in Iraq or Afghanistan, or the Congo, or Darfur, or Mexico.

Having a bad day in the United States is like having a great day in many countries. I had a tough day today, but I had a good night. Had a beer, watch the news, had supper, did a radio show from my home studio, and enjoyed the rest of the evening. I couldn’t do that in Baghdad with bullets and bombs going off everywhere, or in Afghanistan where I’d have to worry about someone breaking down my door and dragging me off to a torture chamber.A bad day in Baghdad or any other war torn place, has got to be unimaginable hell. As an American I sympathize with everyone in war torn countries. As an American I don’t want to think too long and hard about it, or loose any sleep (I’ve done that). That’s what we have activists and peace groups for, and other people who like to worry about those things. If I feel too guilty about it, I ‘ll feel much better if I send a peace group a check for a few dollars.

A bad day in America is far better, than a good day in Iraq or Afghanistan.


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