

Jun 11 2019

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As the Majority party of the House of Representatives, Democrats have the constitutional duty to impeach Donald Trump, to issue subpoenas and to charge Contempt of Congress to all witnesses who do not appear before their committees. Their foolish, cowardly and contemptuous acts of toothless threats and obvious inaction to the intimidation of the White House and Attorney General deriding and belittling their Speaker of the House and Committee chairmen is an outright insult and mockery of Constitutional Justice. Mueller should be made to appear before the Judiciary and Intelligence Committee through subpoena, and if he does not appear then charge him and cowardly Don McGhan with Contempt of Congress and threaten them with fines and imprisonment, which Congress has every legal and constitutional right to do so without court decisions.

Over 50 Democrats have publicly announced their support to impeach Trump, however Nancy Pelosi the worst Speaker of the House ever elected, has neither the courage or competence to do her constitutional duty of impeaching Trump. Instead, she makes absurd statements of “seeing him arrested” instead of impeached and calls Trump “corrupt, insane and in need of psychiatric intervention.”  She is a mockery of Congressional leadership. Trump in all his deceptions still maintains enough credibility with the American people due to Pelosi’s inaction, to incite doubt and hatred against Nancy Pelosi who thinks she’s playing a game of Cribbage with a man-eating maniac. If she continues her lame and cowardly actions towards Trump’s impeachment she and the Democratic Party will become nothing more than laughing stocks and cowardly idiots, to be mocked by every comedian, commentator, and talk show host in the world.

If the Democrats do not demand by subpoena all witnesses and Contempt of Congress against Barr, Mueller, and McGhan, 2020 will be Trump’s victory and Republicans with all of their contemptuous hatred for Americans and all their obvious corruption will be overlooked by their base, and Americans will not turn out to vote knowing the entire Democratic Party and political system is a complete cowardly political farce. If Democrats do not push forward for impeachment immediately, any last minute attempt to impeach in 2020 to save face will be nothing more than an impotent and publicly insulting act, that will destroy all Democrat credibility with the American public. If the Democrats do not immediately impeach Trump they never will, and will lose their seats and power for decades until a new courageous Progressive party of liberals takes over the House, Senate, and Presidency, by constitutional ballots or by revolution without any mention of “Democrat” in their name.

L.A. Steel






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