

Jan 06 2009

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Burris and the People of the United States vs. The U.S Senate



It was a remarkable sight to see the duly appointed senator of Illinois turned away from the Senate today by the Democrats. It was one of the greatest farces yet performed by the U.S Senate. If I were a citizen of Illinois I would be outraged. As a citizen of Connecticut I am outraged by these idiot elected officials. We in Connecticut have two of the worst senators in the country Dodd and Lieberman. If anyone should have been turned away from the senate building it should have been these two. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have more than shown their incompetence as leaders over the last several years , however today they have made history as the two most incompetent and idiotic elected officials in history. They and all who follow their leadership are complete and utter idiots.


There is no constitutional right or even historical precedent for the Senate’s actions against Burris. If this kind of stupidity is what the people of the U.S can expect from the Democrats, it is all over for us as a nation. These elected idiots have already taken this country to the brink of ruin by their cowardice and corruption. With these idiotic elected luminaries leading the Senate and House of Representatives, Americans must get ready for the end of everything we hold sacred in this country. If they can refuse to allow Burris to enter the Senate building , much less be seated as a rightful senator, then we have to realize that the citizens of Illinois and all citizens of the U.S have no rights at all. We can thank the Democrats solely for this great betrayal. ..


I regret any thought I held that this country might fair better under Democratic leadership. After today’s historic farce of constitutional government, I am disgusted and ashamed by my great delusion, that Americans have an elected and democratic form of government. It is as sham. Nothing Barack Obama does or can do as President will reassure me of a future for the United States. If the Majority leader of the Senate can illegally bar a rightfully appointed senator from being allowed into the Senate Building , then either Harry Reid should be censured and dispelled from his own seat by his fellow senators for complete incompetence, and betrayal of his oath of office, or the entire Senate should be removed by the people of the United States on grounds of disobeying their oaths of office , which is to honor and serve the people of the U.S and defend the Constitution of the United States.



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