

Sep 19 2012

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Is Chris Murphy another Chris Dodd?

I saw another smackdown political ad this morning by Linda McMahon the CEO and cofounder of the WWE now running for Connecticut’s senate seat. This race for Joe Lieberman’s soon to be vacant senate seat is one of the best political races I’ve ever seen. I have never been an admirer of Chris Murphy former Congressman from my home state Connecticut, but neither have I been a fan of Linda McMahon(until recently) who is a wealthy Republican who seems to have unlimited funds and is developing a stong fan base. Recent polls show her running a dead heat with Murphy. I believe she will win this election, because she is relentless in her valid attacks on her Democratic opponent Chris Murphy. I am actually beginning to enjoy watching her ads successfully defending herself from the kitten scratch attacks by Murphy,then clawing his face off and smacking him to the floor. This new ad has thrown him over the ropes and onto the concrete floor and may have left him unconsious. I can’t see him getting up to defend himself this time.

It appears that Chris Murphy took his apprenticeship in Congress from ( the ran out of government) Senator Chris Dodd. Chris Dodd had a better attendence record as Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee than Chris Murphy had on the House Finance and Banking Committee. Chris Murphy learned his lessons well of taking large donations from a bank then voting for a massive $400 million dollar bailout of the same bank. Not to mention his mastering the art of negotiation by refinancing his own foreclosure at a low interest rate by the same bank that got the bailout. This is the same type of criminal act that got Chris Dodd into trouble. It’s hard to understand how Murphy couldn’t pay his mortgage on $170,000 salary. One has to wonder if he has a gambling problem. Even if he doesn’t how can anyone trust him with allocating government funds if he can’t budget his own personal expenses.

It’s amazing that the Main Stream Media in Connecticut never picked up on that, nor for some reason never had a discouraging word to say about Chris Murphy and still doesn’t, except to insinuate that the negative campaigning on both sides are getting a little rough,but it doesn’t stop them from playing the ads. The hypocrisy of Murphy and Dodd has become synonymous with Connecticut Politics. I’m pleased that Linda McMahon is running for office in Connecticut, she’s exposing all the hidden flaws of her Democratic opponents. She virtually destroyed Richard Blumenthal in her 2010 run for Chris Dodds senate seat, after she exposed his lie about being a Vietnam Vet. But there were too many Jewish voters in Connecticut to end his career, and Connecticut hasn’t had a Republican senator since the infamous Lowel Wieker 30 years ago (unless you count the Crypto Republican Joe Lieberman).

Keep on kicking Linda and don’t let the Democratic dirtbag get away with anything. I think most Connecticut voters are surprised and pleased that she has uncovered so much dirt on Murphy, which is something the news agencies have neglected or refused to do. As an Independent I am enjoying my weekly colored flyer from Linda’s campaign with another often funny and factual smackdown of Murphy. I only hope that her victory will also be a victory for Connecticut residents.

L.A. Steel

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