

May 13 2005

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Intelligent Design and the Need for Good and Evil


Acceptance and tolerance, anger and aggression, compassion and wisdom, omnipotence, karma, balance, right, wrong, imbecility, genius, hatred, forgiveness, death and reincarnation, strength, weakness, soft, hard, high, low black , white, large small. The compensatory compulsions and laws of man and nature, universal laws of new and old, past, present and future dictate against the errors of man and nature. The existence of good and evil are merely the opposites of a karmic or compensatory correction.

What is evil to one is good to another. The death of an animal in the wild is good for another animal that kills it to eat and survive. Natural selection is good for some and bad for others as perceived by mortals. But is it perceived by an omnipotent god in the same way? One can only wonder how it is viewed by the creator of the universe. If God is omnipotent he would know and fully comprehend his own creation and the pain and suffering that is caused to it by its mere existence. If he created all physical and spiritual reality then he would have planned for the death and suffering of man and animal as part of his cosmic creation and consciousness.

If there is a God and an intelligent design to creation then mankind is included in this plan and must in some way mirror his creator, just as all of nature mirrors that same creator. A creator cannot create something that did not originate from himself or herself. Mankind strives to create systems imitating the great moral and physical vision of a god like ideal, either by erecting grand architecture or in grand judicial and governmental or spiritual institutions all designed to operate within a concept emulating the better part of man, the godly side of man. These institutions are created by societies to harness, shelter, tame or punish the darker side of the individual and preserve and promote the best qualities of mankind for profit or power. These institutions were designed to enforce the preservation or destruction of our own species and protect other species from extinction or to promote their extinction. The parallel powers are inherent in all man does. He chooses whatever power is most expedient to achieve a specific task. How like God this is.

Human beings create great institutions to protect and defend themselves from themselves. All humans realize that their great achievements are collective actions focused upon solving a unique problem. All leaders of great and small countries know they cannot lead effectively without the consent of the people of their country. The collective will of a people can conquer the world, and create the reality it wishes to live in. If an omnipotent God created mankind then all men must ask themselves for what possible purpose were they created for? Their destiny would have been designed for them. Is God an angry and unforgiving god who sadistically demands his creation to sacrifice their own lives and the lives of their children to him and still maintain constant adoration of him, or is life as we know it in the flesh merely an illusion, a physical mask of the spirit, an involuntary expression of the spirit of humanity, just as each flower or tree or bird or animal is a physical expression of their individual spirits?

The collective wisdom of humanity throughout the ages has been against the destruction and extinction of our species and our environment. Instinct granted to animals causes the propagation of their own species, is this instinct not also prevalent in the human species? Based on the brutal history of mankind a student of anthropology would have to seriously wonder what human destiny has and will become. Is the grand design for us to adapt to our changing environment during our short passage through life or are there divine laws and protective systems in place to neutralize all harm done by us to ourselves. An omnipotent being capable of designing the universe would never leave the destiny of anything to chance. In the mind of an omnipotent being there can be no such concepts as chance, circumstance, accident, there are no maybes or perhaps or what ifs. The only possible perspective of an omnipotent God would be one of absolute factual knowledge of all possible concepts, all impossible and possible, imagined and unimagined things. This God would be all knowing all seeing and all feeling. If a person believes in the intelligent design of creation then he can never question who or what he is, he was created for a divine purpose. The life that he or she is currently living the good or evil of one’s choices may be an individual’s only allowance of free will, but in either choice a destiny and future would have been created for you before deciding on which path to follow. Just as we would follow a path in a forest, the forest already exists as do all paths, we must merely decide which path to take.

The universe as mankind perceives it is a physical reality. What us from seeking beyond our known reality is fear, ignorance and arrogance. So many people feel that they know all they need to know. Highly learned men and women believe they know most of everything in their fields of study and that they can dogmatically teach what they know to others as truth even though their entire understanding may be completely false. The only protection the individual has against these errors and deceptions is faith in his own core value. The unique belief in what and who he or she is. This core value is the veiled deity within us. Upon that unveiling of our personal deity we discover its identity is the same in all people. Our collective smiles, our frowns, our anger, our love, our hate is really the reflection of God. A divine omnipotent creator with no beginning or end would express himself through his creations much as humans do. If we err then we erase the error and begin again and again until we are happy and proud with the result of our efforts. An omnipotent God would know what a perfect universe is and what the perfection of mankind will be as an intricate part of that universe. Good and evil as present existing powers must exist for universal equilibrium, the advancement of human learning and ultimately the ascension of mankind to its highest potential, that physical and spiritual perfection of its unique creation.

L.A. Steel

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