

Jun 22 2007

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You know when you’ve blown it. It’s like when Imus went over the line. It’s like when you say too much in an interview or say too little. It’s like being the the most unpopular person in a room and your not sure why; until someone tells you your fly is unzipped.

It isn’t something you can really control it’s more or less a thing that just happens that you regret. Sometimes it’s just in the stars. You just move on and hope you and everyone else can forget it. Unfortunately the world has a long memory when you screw up and a very short memory when you succeed.

I think it’s all part of human nature ; that everyone screws up now and again. That is why all the prophets have said everyone must forgive. Blowing it can be a minor or major thing. You could insult a friend, a boss,a spouse or child without knowing that you did, or you can be politically incorrect at a party and unknowingly insult someone in the room.

When a writer writes or a painter paints or a singer sings for public approval, they always try to put their best foot forward, but I have read and seen and heard even the best of them blow it. So when I blow it , I try to fix it if it can be fixed. If not then I let it go and forget about it. Not much you can really do once the insult has been said or the bad song or bad painting or bad article or book has been published and read.

You never know why or when or how you are going to blow it, but you will. Everybody does. All we can do is hope it doesn’t happen too often, or that we can correct what we’ve done or said before it’s too late.


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