

Sep 21 2007

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The racial problems in Jena Louisiana are another example of White supremacists battling Blacks for the legal rights to co-exist. That the protests in Jena are peaceful, is a remarkable statement and extraordinary example of what racial harmony, and tollerance must be. Death , destruction, and premeditated violence against all other races, is all White Americans seem to understand. Might Is Right. Fear breeds racism. These are the evils that possess White Americans. Fear of retrobution, fear of racial equality,fear of violence against them, fear of their own inferiority, consiously or subconsciously this is what they believe. It is how White Americans are brought up. Their religions, their country clubs, their schools, their businesses , their parents and grandparents for countless generations have passed on fear and racial hatred ; that have created a mind set in White Americans, to distrust, look down on, or hate all who are not White. Their religions equate White with purity and godliness, and equate Black with evil , mystery, fear, and uncleanliness. It is a mass form of mind control; that has created racial tensions since the beginning of organized religion. Religions still continue to instill teachings of separation and inequality amongst their own followers, and against followers of other religions and races. How can a 5 year old know how to hate a person of a different race, or religion than they are; unless they are taught to hate and fear them by adults they love and trust ?

I have been aware of racial inequality and hatred since I was a child. It has been an emotional issue in my life ever since I witnessed my second grade , black classmate , brutally struck by my second grade teacher . ( see my archived essay, A RACIST MEMORY).

It disturbs me to write on this issue. It brings up very strong , very violent memories of incidents that have occured in my life. To stand by and witness the violent attack of an adult on an eight year old friend, as I sat next to him in my classroom created a fear and distrust of every teacher and authority figure I’ve ever encountered since. While I attended college another incident occured ; that left me enraged with anger and hatred towards all White supremicists. . I was emotionally scared for many years after the incident; when a black friend of mine was brutally beaten, by four white men. I was not with him during the fight, I was with him later that night; when he staggered into the entry way of the campus auditoruim. He told me he had been attacked. His face was bloodied, and his right eye was swollen shut, his jaw was bruised and swollen. I asked him who attacked him and he said he didn’t know who they were. Four guys had grabbed him and beat him. I had been scheduled to performed a few songs that night at a campus concert of student acts. I had just completed my set, and went outside for a cigarette. (Ironically, Neil Young’s “Southern Man ” was a big hit that year.) As a crowd began to form around my friend and I, I asked him if he new his attackers,or if they were in the crowd . He then looked at the people who were gathering around us and said “NO”. I asked him what happen to the white girl I intoduced him to earlier that night, who he went for a walk with on campus. He said she took off when he got grabbed and ran for help. She had gotten away. My friend was bleeding badly and I looked at several people who were standing near us, and asked them to call campus security, but no one did . They just stood silent and stupid, as they watched us.

As I asked again for someone to go for help, my friend put his hand on my arm and said,”Let’s get out of here.” He said he was afraid the guys who beat him up might be nearby, and would get both of us. He said he fought back and hurt a couple of them. I took him to the college infirmary, he didn’t want to go to the cops. He said he didn’t trust the cops in that”White Town”. The next day my friend went home , he lived out of state. I spoke to him by phone several times after, but I lost contact with him after a few months. His mother said he had joined the Navy. I left school at the end of that semester. I enrolled at a different school, in a different state, a year later.

I understand racial hatred only as a white man, not as a black man. I can never fully understand the pain, or humiliation that a black person suffers in a racist society. To be discriminated against because of the color of their skin. It is horrid that 36 years later , the same racial hatred is still afflicting America. White American bigotry has even expanded , not diminished since then. It is more covert and less institutional , just under legal radar. Now White racists focus their hatred on all non white races. Middle Eastern, Hispanic, Asian, and anyone who is not White. Why? All Legal American citizens deserve the same legal rights. All human beings, deserve the same human rights. The world’s population and shift of political power are changing rapidly. Soon the evils of racial intollerence will no longer be tollerated in any form. This will end racism in the United States, and around the world. The end of racial hatred will come. It must come.


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