

Sep 28 2007

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There are moments in our lives when we tune into the universal mind. Those moments may be very brief or in some instances much longer and more sustained. I am reminded of one of the world’s poetic masterpieces, S.T. Coleridge’s ” Kubla Khan”, and the poet’s vision of the Pleasure Dome. He stated after writing the masterpiece; that the poem appeared to him during a three hour sleep. During those hours of unconsiousness, he visualized the entire poem. He saw over three hundred lines and when he woke , he immediately began to write them down. As he continued writing he was interrupted by an important business meeting he had to attend, and thought he would be able to complete the poem when he returned. Upon his return he could only write a few more lines, all else was forgotten and lost, however what he did write down was all that remained of his vision, and it became a masterpiece in English poetry.

Many of the greatest composers admitted; that their musical ideas were not their own, but visions brought before them by their tapping into the universal mind. The composer Richard Wagner stated; that his works were divinely inspired. In his great work, Rheingold, he stated to Arthur M. Abell; who wrote of his interview with Wagner in his journal, and later published “Talks With Great Composers.” In Rheingold the first inspiration for the composition came to Wagner while he was lying in bed. He told Abell; that he was inspired to imagine himself lying beneath the flowing waters of the Rhine as the water rushed over him, and translated that sensation and sound into music. Wagner was certain that the greatest works he created were all from his ability to tap into the divine, universal consiousness. He believed that all we are is based upon a vibration of this divine thought, and all great works of art are inspired and driven by this force. Wagner stated that his greatest understanding of this came from Shakespeare, and quoted the specific statement in the fifth act, first scene, of Midsummer Night’s Dream. [The poet’s eye in a fine frenzy rolling, doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven; and as imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing a local habitation and a name. Such tricks hath strong imagination.] (Reference source: “Talks With Great Composers” by Arthur M. Abell)

What sparked my essay today on universal consiousness, is the recent studies I have been involved with for most of this year. Much of what I have studied I have discussed on my Friday night internet shows with researcher and lecturer, George Dickson, and renowned psychic Maria Fix Algeri. I suggest going to these programs that are available in my program archives, listed on my host page for a clearer understanding of the range of metaphysical topics we have discussed. (Click on Friday night with George Dickson or Listen Live at the top of this page . It will take you to my radio show host page. There you can scroll down and see the archives listed by the month and year.)

I have recently been filming a new television series entitled “Poet’s From The Mist.” I began my two, first, half hour, segments with the works of Lord Byron, and Percy Bysshe Shelley. I chose to begin this series with these two poets; because of their uniqueness and close friendship at one of the most revolutionary periods in world history.This was a period when the spirit of Liberalism enflamed the world and created a rise of revolutionary spirit, that changed the world forever. This spirit of revolution cast off the yokes of Divine Rights and aristocratic orthodoxy. The concepts of Divine Rights and nobility , preserved and protected for milenia, by the power of rulers and religions were challenged by the ideas of atheism, and democracy and the rising influences of Islamic and Eastern religions and philosophies. Political uprisings throughout Europe demanded constitutional governments, and greater individual freedoms. These political and religious revolutions inspired poets , composers, artists, scientists, and philosophers, to view the world as a place where violent change was sweeping the minds and souls of man and changing human history. Many of the greatest of these revolutionary artists and philosophers captured the universal spirit, and took active part in these revolutions, and wrote of their experiences to the world. They drew upon the popularity and greatness of past legends and heros and humanized them so their heroism could be identified with and recognized by the most humble and oppressed persons. Their work inspired millions to cast off their chains of slavery to ruthless societies, and systems of government. It was a period of ascension of the human consiousness, unlike anytime in the history of civilization. Mankind began to understand his place in the world, his connection to nature and the universe, and his kinship and moral responsibilty to his fellow man. This sweeping change was translated boldly and beautifully by the great poets,artists, composers, philosophers and writers of this period. There works made millions of individuals aware of their own sovereign status as human beings; who had human rights and dignities divine in origin, granted to everyone at birth. Millions of individuals had become educated, and aware of their own divine right to challenge any person, or institution, that sought to oppress them.

The ideas that were once censored by societies were now released upon the world in books , music, art , and political speeches. Challenges to the known authorities of church, state, and aristocratic landowners, were no longer forbidden, but encouraged. Conformity to culture, traditions, and fear of public displays of vocal political criticsm, no longer shackled polite society, and those who insisted on cultural censorship or tradition were considered unenlightened and oppressive , or foolish and worthy of ridicule, and must be openly challenged . Democratic idealism boldly clashed and challenged all arcane arguments defending aristocratic priviledges, or divine rights of kings and queens.

The works of these great artists, poets, composers, scientists, and philosophers, of this era are some of the most profound works ever created in human history, and have achieved immortal status by their creation in the universal consiousness. In researching and presenting the works of the greatest poets of this era, I have discovered that they have openly credited universal consiousness and divine inspiration as the source of their inspiration. The works of these poets have been deliberately ignored, or carelessly discarded as irrelevant by many. It is the way of this modern world , but these great works have been preserved because of their own merit. I hope my new series will serve to bring these great poets out from the mist of forgotten time, and into the light of this new century, to be appreciated by a new audience.
It is my intention to present this series on this web site soon in a permanent video and audio display.


Permanent link to this article: http://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=1744
