

Nov 16 2019

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How can anyone anywhere take Trump seriously as a President of anything other than a padded room in an insane asylum? It’s time to pull out all the plugs and remove him from office. If he is not removed from office he will become Satan himself pulling out all the stops to create a hell on earth dictatorship.  Donald Trump must be removed from office and arrested at all costs. He and his evil family and friends must be seen for who and what they are. Trump’s treachery and criminality are written on every Executive Order he signs, every bill and every enabling Cabinet member he appoints. The criminal Insanity displayed by Trump and his entire administration has brought the great office of the Presidency and Republican-held Senate to the level of a corrupt third world dictatorship run by greed-driven, ruthless Russian owned Republicans dedicated to the destruction of the United States by Russian occupation.

America’s last chance for Constitutional justice and remedy are on display in the House Intelligence Committee hearings. America is on the precipice of the collapse of our national and international standing. With leaders like Trump, we have become a laughing stock as well as a threat to all treaties and alliances with other countries. Trump and his Senate criminals have destroyed the farming industry in the U.S, crippled the manufacturing industry and destroyed the coal industry, which he was elected by the desperate men in women who he promised jobs and prosperity to. His 15,000 plus reported lies he’s stated publicly to the American people is a criminal disgrace beyond any President the U.S has ever had.

Democrats are holding Trump’s feet to the fire and foiling Republican distractions and lie in their inept defense of Trump’s innocence. Several more highly credible State Dept. witnesses are giving their testimonies to the Intelligence Committee next week. They will be devasting to Trump and his Republican defenders. No one with a normal mind can believe anything Trump says in his defense of himself by his blithering tweets and public tirades.






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