

Dec 21 2007

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I have had a rare opportunity to interview Lucifer recently. I know of only a few interviewers who have been allowed to write openly of their conversation. I ask my readers to read this transcript of my interview , in the spirit of objectivity.

Our meeting was brief and cordial. I was approached by my guest recently, and asked if I would do an interview with him. I was surprized that he would want to be interviewed by me, and asked him why he didn’t contact a better known interviewer, with a much wider audience. He said that I was very well known in the circles he wanted to talk to. I was taken back by the statement, but agreed to his request on the conditions; that his answers be honest, and his intentions trustworthy. He agreed. The following is a transcript of that interview. My guest requested that this interview not be recorded for audio, or visual broadcasting , but that it should be published as a written transcript on this web site.

Steel: I am very surprized and somewhat flattered that you would consider me to conduct this rare public interview with you. I am grateful that you have allowed me to record it in transcript.

Lucifer: Well, I thought it was time I did an interview, and began to look for someone who I thought might give me a fair shake, and listen to me objectively; instead of getting their defenses up and running away from me, or cut me off like O’Reily or Hannity. I’ve watched and listened to your show for many years, and felt you were the only interviewer; who would take me seriously, and give me a chance to say what I needed to say. I know your taking a big risk by publishing this interview, that is why I immediately agreed to your conditions. You don’t want anything from me, and I just want a chance to speak publicly without getting stoned. Did you seen what they did in Mecca recently? Two million pilgrims stoned me in effigy.

Steel: I’m impressed and surprized; that you have been following my career. Why did you think I would give you a fair shake? I’ve been told you never give anyone a fair shake, or do you?

Lucifer: That isn’t true. I give everyone a fair shake. I am the most rigidly honest spirit in the universe. I don’t ask people to give me their souls, they ask me to take it. I don’t willfully destroy people, they destroy themselves. This impression that people have of me is very disingenuous, and quite hurtful to me. I am not what I have been made out to be. I am the steward of this planet Earth and was assigned it’s stewardship by the Creator several million years ago. Before I got here this planet was just a big rock. It took several million years of hard work and planning to create what is now known as Earth. Mankind is a new creation. It’s Man that has screwed up the world. My current role on this planet is that of the Grand Prosecutor. Not to be mistaken for the Grand Inquisitor of the Inquisition. The Catholics thought that persecuting everyone; who didn’t agree with them was their mission. They used my name and created world wide fear of me to pave the way for the Age of Imperial Christianity, and inforce their authority over everyone. The Inquisiton started out as a scheme to get Jews to cough up their money, and allow the Catholic kings to legally default on their loans. Then after most of the Jews were killed, or left Spain, and other unfriendly countries, the Church went after everyone; who didn’t agree with their tactics and dogma. Much like G.W Bush and his Neocon stooges.

Steel: So your stating that G.W.Bush isn’t one of your minions , and the Catholic Church killed millions of people on their own , without any help from you?

Lucifer: G.W Bush thinks he’s one of mine, but frankly he’s too damned stupid, and I can’t stand him. He’s been sucking up to me since he was a kid. I don’t like him, or his old man. They can’t be trusted. The whole damned Bush tribe are despicable. Listen, they have been thowing my name around for a long time and associating themselves with me. Using the Horn hand sign and screwing up everything. They have been stealing from the American people for nearly a century,and trying to set up a one world government. The world is a messed up place right now because of people like the Bush family, and Clintons, and all these a-hole Iluminati ; who think they rule the world. I rule the world not them! If I wanted to destroy Mankind, and enslave all their souls , don’t you think I would have done it by now? I have the power to do anything . I could destroy this planet in seconds. No, I founded and stewarded this planet from it’s beginning, and I’m not about to destroy it. Man and his greed, and ignorance, arrogance, and lust for power, money, and blood, are destroying this planet. I can’t keep up with the number of souls being processed in Hell. Hell was created as an underworld prison for these wretched creatures. The Creator doesn’t want them hovering around his Universe , screwing things up, and he doesn’t want them staying on earth to screw up everyone else. He’s quarantined this planet from the rest of the Universe since man was created. Man is a unique experiment in all of Creation. Man was created to eventually co-create his own existence. I was given the job to oversee Mankind’s progress.

Steel: This is very interesting to me. I was always under the impression that you were the cause of all chaos and horrors and evil in the world. If that isn’t so then who is responsible for all the problems on Earth?

Lucifer: Mankind. Mankind is responsible for all the problems on this planet. I’m just their fall guy. Yeah, have you ever heard one good thing said about me? No. That’s fucking gratitude for you. Who the hell do you think gave man fire, or taught them how to eat with a fork and knife. Who do you think toilet trained them? Someone had to. Their first parents were apes. They were animals, when I got here. Females were the smartest creatures on the planet. All human females seemed to have a greater natural intelligence than males. This was designed by natural selection. Females bore offspring. And I have to admit,some human women once they got cleaned up a little,where truely magnificent creatures. Myself and those who came to earth to assist me, became enamored with many women and unfortunately became involved with them physically, and emotionally. By us doing that, we accidently jumped up Man’s genetic evolution; when these women became pregnant by us. We didn’t understand how glorious the sexual experience was until we learned it; through our involvement with mankind. Sex and procreation is a gift not given to the Angelic Heirarchy. We only knew it’s divine pleasure once we took physical form. We were obliged to take on physical bodies in order to work with Mankind ,to guide their evolutionary path. Remember, I was the greatest of all Creations, and the most trusted by the Creator . His instructions to me were to go out and find the greatest of his creation, and guide them to their fullest potential of being. I did that, and found this planet Earth as the planet with the most potential in all of Creation , I discovered the Earth, and made the Creator aware of it. He rewarded me with it’s stewardship, and granted me governance over it. In the purest of Godly trust, I came to this planet with my chosen assistants to govern the progression of Mankind.

Steel: Wow! That was truly an amazing statement! So your saying that you are really watching over the world and that mankind is the reason everything is falling apart. If that is so why don’t you do something about it?Why do you allow these things to happen ? If you have the authority from the Creator to rule this planet , you are not doing a very good job at it. Why don’t you really be a prosecutor and start prosecuting the criminal element? Can’t you wave your hand or something and just stop everyone from destroying themselves and the planet?

Lucifer: No. I can’t just wave my hand around and stop everything. For one thing everyone thinks I’m some kind of a lizard , with horns and a tail. Man has made me out to be a walking horror show. You see me,do I look like a horror show to you? Do I look like I’ve got claws and giant drooling teeth? Do I have pitch forks for arms and a battering ram for a prick? No. I was created as the most perfect creature in the Universe. I was created as the highest creation next to the Creator himself ! These people that have been playing their games for millenia, have given me this image. They have created this image of me, and my assistants as ghouls and gargoyles. These images do not represent us. They represent an alien race that has infiltrated this world and walk among men and women and shape shifted, and have created entire underground civilzations. Ever since their arrival on this planet, they have been working against me, with a big PR campaign, trying to influence mankind that I’m the bad guy. Many thousands of years ago, before the last polar shift, a rip in the dementional barriers between the third and fourth dementions occured. It was a time of tremendous chaos. Entire continents sunk into the oceans, millions of people were killed. We were not prepared for the size and scope of that planetary shift, and with so much chaos and destruction occuring we did what we could, to preserve what we could of the planet. We were warned of the devastating shift and left the planet during the deluge and destruction, to save ourselves. It was caused by natural causes. In the creation of all physical things, change and destruction are common throughout the Universe. Only the spiritual creations exist eternally. Even those can be destroyed at the will of their Creator. Don’t you think that if I was the cause of all of Mankind’s suffering, Man’s Creator would have done away with me long ago? All this bull about my being kicked out of Heaven is pure garbage. Mike and I never crossed swords. There are no weapons or wars in the House of the Creator. That whole story of my getting kicked out of heaven for rebelling was made up by Milton, a blind 16th century poet, with a big imagination. Weapons were introduced to mankind by these serpantine aliens. They came from the Dracos constellations and crossed through the dementional rip. They were an isolated and universally quarentined species. Since their arrival on Earth the Earth has become quarentined also, to keep them here, and not infect the rest of Creation. This alien race has virtually conquered mankind, and taught man the practice of war and blood sacrifices, and took advantage of the loss of Mankind’s cultures and advanced civilizations, and taught them the ways of the Draconians. These legends of Dragons and serpents and horrid creatures eating children, and disembowling men, and women as human sacrifices , this is not the will or design of our Creator, or me. This is completely alien and void of anything worthy of an eternal spirit. Man kind as been given a free will and a conscience. He must decide what side of himself will guide him. Those who are attracted to the Dark will live in darkness. Those attracted to light will live in the light. It is the way of Creation, and can not be altered. I am charged to prevent the downfall of Mankind, and prosecute all who would destroy their fellow man, or this planet. It is the time now that has been prophecized for all to be judged. That is why I wanted to do this interview with you. I wanted to warn all who have chosen the Dark side of their souls to guide them. It will lead them to the underworld prison, and ultimately to oblivion.

Steel: This conversation is a great deal for me to take in. What your saying is news to mostly everyone. I have read about some of these possibilities, , however this concept of your not being evil, but being a steward of mankind is a concept I must re think. As I speak to you today, I am surprised that I do not fear you. I am surprised that I am not disgusted by your presense, and totally repelled by your statements. Instead I find myself listening to you intently,and wondering if what you are saying is true. You have been labeled as the Great Deceiver.

Lucifer: The Great Deceiver ! The greatest deceivers of all time are those who planted that story. Listen, I don’t talk to most men. I don’t have much to do with them anymore. I’ve become greatly despondent, and depressed, as have most of my assistants. We are embarassed by our failures on earth,and shun the face of our Creator because of it. He often requests my presense, however I am too ashamed to meet with him. Man was granted free will. He can be anything he desires. It is what he desires to be that is the problem. What he emulates is no longer the simple,loving,all knowing creature he was first designed by his creator to become. Man has chosen a path of self destruction. A path of decadence, deception,and sadistic pleasure. He has defiled his body, and spirit with drugs and alcohol and hallucinagenics; that have cut off part of himself to himself. He has severed his wholeness, and has become satisfied with half of what he is capable of being. He has cursed the darkside, or the lightside of his existence, and embraces one or the other,not realizing that he was created with both, and both are what creates universal balance in mankind. He can not purge the shadow from himself. It is himself. The only way man can achieve his final ascension, and achieve his co-creative potential is by consciously, fully accepting who he is.

Steel: Who he is? Your saying that his entire concept of self sacrifice and purging the soul of evil and all that is wrong, is wrong? How can it be wrong? Don’t we as human beings need to cleanse our thoughts and souls of all evil,before we can ascend? How can our darkness, our most unvirtuous actions, be allowed to enter the divine presense?

Lucifer: You are in my presense now, and I am divine. I am an archangel. I am the ruler of the planet. I am the highest son of God. I was created as the most perfect of all creations, and trusted by my Creator as an example to all of his Creations. How can you think for one moment; that God would trust me with his creation, and grant me the greatest of his pride, and love, and expect me to turn against him? I never turned against him! He has never turned against me! Christ is his son,you are his son, all men and women are his sons and daughters. I have been given the assignment of stewarding the Earth and Humanity. I am not Mankind’s nurse maid. Man is his own caretaker. What he does to himself, and to others is of his own volition. The power of Karma does not allow my intervention in the fate of mankind. I can only suggest to him, or warn him, or chastise him in some way to avoid the crushing weight of his own Karma. Souls of the wicked are imprisoned and destroyed,souls of the blessed are preserved for eternity within the bliss of their Creator’s Love, and their return to him. I am not the destroyer, I am not the serpent, I am not the horrid , slimy alien monster of sci fi movies, or Medieval Catholic portrayals of me. These are the true aliens that have corrupted the Earth and Man. I am still the Creator’s greatest Creation. I am still the ruler (though seemingly ineffectual) of this planet. Man has neared the time of his destiny. The choices he makes in the next few Earth years, will determine his eternal existence. In 2012 my reign on earth will finish. I will return to my Creator as will all ; who believe in him on this planet. Together we will rise to greet him. Those who are not prepared will not see his face, or know his Love. Those who refuse him , will be refused by him. Iam assigned to lead Mankind back to himself. Unless he accepts that he is both of the Dark and the Light, mankind will never achieve his full potential , nor will he experience ascention . He is doomed to oblivion. It is the Ying and Yang , the Black and White , the light and shadow of the Physical Universe; that governs it’s existence, once Mankind transcends into spirit form, Mankind will cease to exit on the physical plane, and his shadow will leave him. The shift of polarities is creating tremendous chaos once again on the Earth. Man’s beliefs are skewed by his own vanity, his own greed, his own ignorance, and his willful subserviance to his ill conceived, and distorted ideals of being human. The alien influence has corrupted the mind of man but his soul is still redeemable. It is still able to transcend the horrors inflicted upon it, by believing in the Creator, and that now in this time, he is calling all who desire to be with him. All who can see him, all who can hear him, all who Love him. I am a servant of my Creator, and I am a servant to Mankind. It will be my final task on Earth to close the gates of Hell upon the souls of all who deny the existence of their Creator, and have embraced their most vile and wicked natures.

Steel: I feel the need to close this interview as I must seriously think about what you have said. It does not seem wrong to me; nor am I offended by it. Confused, but hopeful. I have heard from Lucifer himself, that Mankind is and has always been the root of evil. His separation of Good and Evil with himself has caused his worldly chaos. Mankind can not achieve ascension until he reconciles with himself, and accepts who he really is. Jesus as all of Mankind’s prophets have stated; Know Thy Self.

Lucifer: That’s right! I’m not to blame for screwing up anyone’s life. I’m here to try to prevent Mankind from destroying himself, and try to make him undestand that he must reunite with his other half, in order to be whole. The real Devil that everyone is afraid of is themself.

Steel : We must close this interview and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I would like the opportunity to interview you again. Would that be possible ?

Lucifer: You name the time and place and I’ll be there. Thanks for this opportunity to express my concerns to your audience. I appreciate it.

Steel : Thank you.

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