

Mar 31 2012

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In my recent interviews with spiritualist Kenneth Ackly we discussed the concept of ” Knowing without Knowing”. Essentially this concept relates to the unconscious knowledge possessed by all . The obstacle to our ascension of consciousness is our own ego. The self conceived illusions of who we are and what we are establish the boundaries of our physical existence and conscious awareness.

Every human being in existence lives in two realms of consciousness. The conscious and the subconsious . It is the subconscious realm that dominates our emotional and spiritual lives. The decisions we make and the actions we take dictate and create our physical existence. Few of us listen to our subconscious. In primitive and ancient societies the subconscious was considered superior to the conscious mind. Dreams and visions were sacred signs from the Creator. Prophets and shamans were the seers and leaders of their societies. High priests offered sacrifices to their god, or gods to grant them great visions of the future or visions and insights to solve problems. Billions of humans still do this daily in meditation and prayer. We try to bring to the forefront of our minds the visions, or council of the divine. We are born into this physical existence with a preternatual knowledge of our spiritual origins, yet we spend our entire lives seeking for the connection to divinity, that is already within us.

It is the main deception and the illusion of this world; that it’s foremost inhabitant Man, is goaded and tempted away from himself by seeking all that is outside of himself. Man inherently knows, that he is created by some greater consciousness than himself. Man inherently understands his connection to this world, and also to the world beyond death. He witnesses the death of friends and loved ones and understands, that he too will die, yet he clings to his faith and conscious understanding of hope and dream, that extend far beyond all known physical evidence of existence . Man believes in his spiritual existence without empirical proof it exists. He knows without knowing, that he is an immortal spirit and a child of his creator eternally connected to the One. Each individual will eventually return to the Oneness of their being. This will happen, when the ego dies and the self is merged with the unself. This will happen, when the conscious merges completely with the subconscious, and all polarity is disolved into the Oneness of being. This is what we all know without knowing.

The time in our evolutionary process has arrived, when the two minds of our existence merge into one. We already feel the beginning effects. We sense an awareness of light, that reaches far beyond our own physical ability to see . We are more sensitive to the power of light and all that it brings to us. We are more distrustful , more repulsed, by all who are not of the light. We are wiser in our discernment of good and evil. We telepathically communicate with our fellow beings by our intuitive awareness of their joy or suffering. We are reaching for a truth,that has elluded us for millenia and is now close within our reach. We are breaking through the gray cloud cover of the conscious mind into the clear, blue Oneness of Infinity.


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