

Mar 31 2012

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We have all seen the face of the One. He stares at us daily from above the clouds. His white and golden rays warm the earth and invigorate our bodies and minds. The One is our guide in the morning and reflects his brilliance upon the moon and stars at night, to guide us in the darkness that must come.

Foolish men try to veil the face of the One. They cast artificial clouds of pollution into the skies and spray plumes of aluminum particles and Baruim from planes. But the One still sees all , it knows all and it continues to smile upon the oceans and fields and cleanse and renew the world.

The One is above and below, within our bodies and within our souls. The One renews and revives faith for the future as it continues to rise on the horizon every morning and when we open our eyes.

When the darkness comes as it alway does, the light of day no longer shines. When clouds become more stagnant and storms more fierce, the warmth of the One is first to be evicted by the cold.

Look up into the sky when it can be seen without clouds. Look up into the blue of infinite light. Look up into the warmth of the One, when darkness invades the mind. Look up and demand all who we know to look up into the sky as well. Look up and see the scars of man made clouds and lines and patterns of deathly design.

There is a great evil rapidly emerging on earth , so vast it now darkens the global skies. If all people would simply look upwards at the sky; instead of downwards towards the inevitablitiy of their demise, and ask the One to return the skies to blue and rid their world of evil, this he would do.

L.A. Steel

Permanent link to this article: http://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=1277


1 comment

  1. Rob

    Great stuff. An epic writing in this year of cataclysmic events

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