

Feb 20 2017

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WTF is with Breitbart’s Senior Editor and Spokesman Milo?

wtf is with milo

I have taken a completely new look at Steve Bannon and the Trump presidency. If Milo  Yiannopoulos is the Senior Editor and spokesman for Breitbart.com and the approved successor to Steve Bannon, maybe many Americans are looking at Trump the wrong way. If Trump’s Senor Political Adviser is advocating Milo’s sick and utterly demented persona, to be the public face of Breitbart, and the personal philosophy of Donald Trump is “Alt Right” represented by Milo Y., then I must pull my support from Donald Trump. Milo is a seriously sick, publicly acknowledged pedophile, who publicly stated he began his “gay” life after he was repeated molested by a Catholic priest at 13 years old. Is Steve Bannon gay as well and possibly doing Milo regularly and maybe in the White House? The thought is very disturbing, though G.W Bush Jr. had over 200 registered visits during his last year in office by Jeff Gannon a known male prostitute, who notoriously advertised himself as a  male escort in Soldier of Fortune magazine.  Also George H.W Bush Senior had an affinity for boy prostitutes. That story was discovered by The Washington Times reporters and published in the Washington Times as The Franklin Scandal.

Pedophilia and homosexuality has run rampant in Washington among Presidents and other power elite. A book entitled “D.C Madame” , published by TrineDay Publishers was written by a homosexual escort service owner in D.C. This tell all book uncovers the twisted sexual practices of many famous members in the U.S government, some still in office today.

What the Fuck is going on with Milo Y. and Breitbart.com.? He has been invited as a speaker to CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference this year. ( I was invited in 2005 as a radio host and writer) . Milo Y. is an openly gay and extremely vulgar speaker , who wears garish women’s jewelry, says fuck every other word, and insults everyone in his audience. He is obviously a sandwich sign for Breitbart.com, but what is he really advertising and why? I must assume that Donald Trump and his very busy staff, including Steve Bannon, have not heard or seen any of Milo’s interviews or speeches. If they have, and still allow Milo to continue his circus act of sick, demented, insanity, they would immediately issue a statement of disassociation with Milo Y. and Breitbart.com.

I voted for myself in the 2016 election, but perhaps Trump voters were far too rash in hoping Donald Trump would make a good President, without investigating the ALT RIGHT Movement and Steve Bannon. I originally believed Bannon was a straight shooter and reasonably responsible Journalist. I read Brietbart.com and felt it had significantly improved since Bannon took over . But now it has sunk in my estimation as a valid news organization. With Milo Y. as it’s Senior Editor and main spokesperson it looks more like a means of destroying Trump’s credibility as a rational and responsible leader, who has allowed and encouraged his Senior Adviser Steve Bannon to be the Founder and Chief of this sick ALT RIGHT Philosophy as presented by Milo Y.. If Donald Trump and Steve Bannon continue in their silent sponsorship of Milo Y. and do not denounce him as a spokesman in any way for the Trump Administration, then I will be one of the first of his previous supporters, to advocate Donald Trump’s Impeachment.

L.A. Steel



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