

Feb 22 2008

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Before there became two parts to our minds, there was only One. There is evidence in esoteric volumes, that explain the Oneness of man’s former existence. The concept of reincarnation is largely accepted by most people living today. It is a logical concept to explain our existence. Reincarnation is a critical element in understanding the eternal spirit. We inherently know at a young age of the Oneness we have with nature. The separation of the conscious and subconscious mind is a learned separation. It is taught to us by our parents, our teachers, and other dominating influences.

I remember my childhood the ages of six and seven, when I had unlimited powers to imagine . Everything I could imagine seemed to transform itself into my reality; until I was told by my parents, friends, and teachers, I was too imaginative. They told me that most of what I saw in my imagination was not real. They cast the first doubts into my reality, which acted as stones thrown into a still pond. Their words of doubt created ripples of fear and uncertainty within my mind. My young visions were ridiculed , or ignored, not necessarily from meanness, or cruelty, but because of the doubts and fears of disappointment or lack of understanding of my visions by others.

I was a persistent child. I refused to accept the doubts of others, when I felt they were wrong . I was constantly asking why something could not be done. I would often become angry at those who doubted or discouraged my creativity. I inherently knew that what I wanted to achieve could be achieved. I soon discovered overwhelming doubt and discouragement of those around me caused me to begin to doubt myself. I became daunted by doubt. I began to feel the need to ask myself, or others if I was I smart enough , or strong enough,or attractive enough, or healthy enough, or talented enough, or fast enough? Unsubstantiated doubts became stumbling blocks for everything I desired to achieve. It appeared that everyone I knew doubted their own abilities or mine. When I proved to them I could do things they said I couldn’t do, they laughed at or ignored the achievement. As an adult I’ve experienced far worse degrees of insult and indifference, by friends, family , and society in general for my achieving certain goals that others could not achieve.

I have reflected on the many opportunities I’ve missed because of my doubts and fears. Fear and anxieties surfaced from my recollections of the words of so many, that belittled my greater expectations of what I was capable of achieving. In some instances I became completely humiliated by the deliberate actions of others, who set out to destroy my reputation and steal all I had created. This is a common tactic used by many in society. Those petty , small minded individuals, who can not invision or create anything of worth steal or destroy the creations of others.

Before there existed the polarity of the human mind there existed Oneness. Oneness of thought connected all to the divine. The earth and sky and all that exists in the Universe were infinite expressions of One consciousness.

The first doubt destroyed the Oneness . The first doubt created the first danger, that created the first fear. Oneness is perfect and complete. In Oneness all are connected to the same divine source. All can achieve anything they desire to create. In Oneness all that exists expands by the infinite joy of immortal achievement . This must be the universal direction of Humanity. Humanity was One once before doubt and fear invaded it’s consciousness. Humanity can return to Oneness. It can disolve it’s polarity, by encouraging all individual expressions and creations of positive achievement. The global , presently polarized, society can achieve ascension consciousness by universally recognizing the sacredness of individual creative ability, and focus it’s power toward the reunification of the One. We can place greater value in our own worth, by acknowleging greater value in the worth of others. We must believe in ourselves as we did when we were children, before doubt and fear invaded our minds. We must direct our global , collective, creative, focus , to the creation of the perfectly , complete vision of our reunification with the One.


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