Donald Trump is down for the count. He tripped on his own feet and unbelievable stupidity. I thought he was vain but he goes far beyond vanity, and into insanity. His narcissism is without equal in the world of celebrity and his statements are a stupid as they get,on par with Ted Cruz. Cruz is a true peace of work, dumb as a fence post and nasty as a new dog turd. Donald Trump has no redeeming quality. Getting down in the crap with Cruz over whose wife is worse looking is the bottom of the barrel. The stupidity displayed by these last remaining Republican presidential candidates, proves how barren and broke the Republican Party really is. Trump and Cruz are the two top candidates, if either were elected president, the White House would become a group home for the mentally disabled, resembling the Republican controlled Congress.
Those last standing Trump supporters deny their own stupidity and desperation. Trump will not make them richer, healthier or better off than they were under Obama’s Administration. Trump supporters don’t realize Trump will be impotent against the Congress, when they have vowed to stop Trump at all costs, even for them to support Hillary. This can only mean the Republicans and Democrats are the same party with the same idiotic ideas to govern the American People.
Trump can’t get up even if someone picks him up, and the only one who can do that is his wife. So Melenia you win hands down next to Cruz’s wife, in temperament and physical beauty, no one but Cruz objects to that. Do your job as Donald’s wife and scrape him off the floor, kiss him on his forehead, stoke his head and bring him home for a long,long rest. I can’t believe she’s having fun anymore running for First Lady. I think anyone but the most blind , brain dead Hillary supporter would prefer to see Bill Clinton stalking young interns around the White House. Cruz, Trump or any Republican hasn’t got a chance making it to the White House. Can they realize that even Hillary Clinton soon to be indicted, for high crimes and treason, is more preferable to the majority of Americans, than having any of the Republican Candidates win. Even the Republican Party can’t stand their own leading presidential candidates.
L.A. Steel
Independent Presidential Write In Candidate 2016
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