

Jan 18 2016

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I have never heard more “political bullshit” than I have heard in the 2016 Democrat Debates, even the Republican debates had more credibility. Last night’s debate was the worst I have ever seen.  I’m not saying the Republican debates were anything to get excited about , but at least they had a few more choices than three. Jim Webb said they were rigged, and he was right.  Bernie Sanders may be climbing in some polls, but he will never win against Hillary with his “ethical” campaign.  Bernie isn’t suppose to win, he’s suppose to lose. I guess he’s gone off script, but honestly every time he is given an opening to “trump” Hillary he lets her walk over him. You can almost here  him say,  “Come on Hillary, jump on me and kick me. I love it when you whip me in public, it’s my fetish!” Bernie is a joke.


Every “Progressive” Democrat is supporting Bernie now. I read that the Progressives’ Bible the Nation Magazine just endorsed him, and several other paper voices are calling for “Bernie Love”.   I have said publicly and repeatedly that a Progressive Democrat is an oxymoron.  There is nothing progressive about the Democratic Party. Proof is that national polls claim Hillary Clinton is still considered the front runner for most Democrats.  Progressives are barely considered viable candidates by the Democratic Party and seldom mentioned by the news media, other than by an occasional burp, from Fox News or MSNBC anchormen mentioning the “The POLITICAL LEFT. It’s an interesting oversight by the media and Democratic Party that BERNIE IS AN INDEPENDENT, but gave up his INDEPENDENCE, to run for President as a Democrat, so the Democrat Party appears to not have completely rigged their debates and needed someone, who would pretend he’s actually challenging Hillary.  Honestly, I believe Bernie Sanders is in it for the money, for his retirement fund, and his last hurrah and ha,ha. His campaign just raised $37,000,000 dollars in the last 3 months and almost 100 million since he announced his candidacy.   I’ve said it many times this year, that Bernie Sanders is another Howard Dean chosen by the PARTY, to appease the Progressives; until he drops out of the race, for health or some other unsuspected reason, or Hillary and the DNC assassinate him.  O’Malley is more of a stand up prop for the debates, and is being paid by a few loyal donors to stay in the presidential race.


I watched an interview with James Carville this morning on CBS. He was a Democratic Strategist for Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton’s political campaigns.  He was quoted in an interview last year that , he became a Democrat Strategist because,” Democrats are as dumb as sheep, and will follow anyone the Party puts up as a candidate.”  He also said in the same interview,” Republican voters are more intelligent.”  His wife is Mary Matalin the former Senior Adviser for Dick Cheney, when he was Vice President.  Few people in politics are more cynical and unscrupulous than Jim Carville and his wife. Imagine any husband and wife team working in sensitive, strategic, positions for opposing political parties and candidates?    What credibility can either possibly have?


I believe in Liberalism, but only in the truest sense of the word and philosophy. According to Webster’s unabridged dictionary, the definition of a Liberal is “someone who believes in the good of mankind.”  Their definition for a Conservative is someone, who believes Mankind is bad or evil”. Bernie Sanders has the right ideas on Universal Healthcare, imprisonment of all Wall Street Brokers responsible for the financial collapse, reinstate Glass-Steagall, and limit the power and profits of big corporations and pharmaceutical companies, but he does not go far enough. He will not call for an end to the Federal Reserve, or accuse Hillary Clinton of all of her proven corruption and scandals, which make her unfit for the Presidency.   His inability to attack Hillary on her public record and weaknesses is proof of his impotence in the battle for the Democratic Nomination, and why Donald Trump would rather debate Bernie than Hillary. The Democratic Party is frightened, that Bernie could be the Democratic Nominee , which would mean the end of Hillary’s career, and possibly the end of her freedom. Currently it has been stated by the head of the FBI, that 150 FBI agents and investigators have been assigned to investigate Hillary Clinton’s corruption as Secretary of State, and Bill Clinton’s Charity Foundation accepting million dollar donations from countries for State Department favors, and hundreds of thousands of dollars for giving speeches to corporations.


It is time for Americans to consider an Independent Candidate for President, and give up on these two party selections.


L.A. Steel

2016 Presidential Write In Candidate












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