

Jan 10 2016

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The majority of Americans like everything sanitary, their children, news, politics,neighbors, pets, air, water, food, workplaces and wars. The majority of Americans start their day as clean as possible, brushing their teeth,washing their bodies and driving in clean cars.  Most Americans deplore dirty highways, subways and trains,dirty buses, dirty work environments, and dirty people.

The majority of Americans indulge in hot showers, deodorant soap, bubble baths, body washes, moisturizing cleansing creams, and cosmetics. Body odors are very offensive to the American sense of smell, and dust, dirt,  grime or unmowed lawns, are offensive to the American sense of cleanliness. The majority of Americans try to hide or ignore all offensive aspects of their society, such as mental illness,poverty, homelessness, spousal abuse, over one million incarcerated people, alcohol and drug abuse, deteriorating cities, pornography, prostitution, pedophile priests and pastors, corrupt business practices, corrupt politicians, cockroaches, ants, AIDS, etc.etc.

The majority of Americans rationalize their reasons for not voting in elections, either they are too busy, too tired, too distracted and forgot, or complain the voting process isn’t clean enough for them, and too corrupt to bother with. Americans who do vote often believe blindly in their political party, and refuse to see the dirty deeds their selected candidates have done, or listen to the obvious lies they tell.  Democratic voters for Hillary Clinton are prime examples of these type of American voters, and Republican voters are just as indifferent to the crimes and lies of their candidates.  Other voters prefer to vote for the clean cut, polished, just combed look of their politicians on television and, prefer to listen to cliched accolades of their favorite media spokesmen and women, announcing their favorite candidates as the current leaders in the polls. Americans like politicians who look like they do. Some are obese, skinny, hairy, bald, young, old, rude, crude, or just stupid. They agree with their liberal or conservative hard lines, against the establishment or for it. Americans seem indifferent to who is financing and supporting the campaigns of their favorite politicians, and never ask why they are supporting them.

The majority of Americans like everything clean and neat and organized, and all unsightly and unholy things are swept out of their lives; even if they have to hide them under carpets, or in cellars, or attics or ghettos, or back street flop houses and homeless shelters, or placing prisons or group homes in remote areas of their states. But their are also many who don’t care. The horrible thought, that over 30 percent of American adults and children live under the poverty level and depend on government assistance, and have not enough money to eat, or have adequate shelter or medical insurance, or clothing, is incomprehensible and too annoying for the well fed, obese, wealthy,or Middle Class Americans to even consider. They would rather give their money to a dog pound or a television evangelist, or protect the lives of lab rats, or prevent the extinction of the Tse Tse fly or  an African tree or snake, rather than stop the poverty and create better living conditions of billions of people around the world.  Americans  as well as people in every industrialized country ignore the fact that five billion people in the world live on less than 600 dollars a year, and in deplorable conditions, as industrialized counties and their corporations exploit the third world countries’ cheap labor markets and disregard for environmental and safe work standards.


This media driven obsession of cleanliness and consumerism has created an American split personality, devoted to the selfish, greed driven, dreams of winning a billion dollar Power Ball lottery, and cleaning consciences by donating to Go Fund Me Pages, or adding millions of dollars to the retirement funds of their favorite politicians, or saving hundreds of dollars on Black Friday Sales.   Cleanliness may be godliness, but since the majority of the people on the planet do not have clean water, or access to adequate sewer and waste disposal systems, maybe God didn’t demand cleanliness of the human body as important as cleanliness of the human spirit for the survival of the human race.


L.A. Steel

2016 Independent Write In Presidential Candidate


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