

May 20 2015

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Hillary’s Hypocrisy and Democrats’ Denial

we love hillaryIt is sheer madness. I am convinced that it is an absolute form of mass insanity of all who accept Hillary Clinton as the front running Democrat Candidate for President. The main stream Democrats seem to have their eyes closed and their brains out to lunch. The predominant Democrats  who support Hillary seem to be from a large contingent of fifty year old and older middle class white women, who live in Iowa or some other mid western state. I have not seen or heard of any black or minority women or spokesperson jumping up and down to support Hillary Clinton.

Maybe the Democrat Party is now dominated by middle aged, middle class, white women, who look and act like Hillary. Maybe their husbands or X husbands have cheated on them with interns or secretaries, or whatever other sexual distractions came along. Maybe these women identify with Hillary as manipulating liars and managers and mean girls, who have no concern for anything or anyone, other than their own self interests, or their personal ambitions for wealth and power.  It is obvious when you listen to them denying or ignoring all of Hillary’s past and present scandals, and corruption, while they rationalize their reasons for supporting Hillary Clinton.

The television network news programs’ coverage of the Hillary Campaign is a massive whitewash of reporting by middle aged white women and men  in the media, trying to defend all the lies and deceptions Hillary is responsible for. They never mention the twenty or more of Hillary’s major public scandals during her political career, including her being fired from the Watergate investigation legal staff for lying and openly trying to corrupt justice.  Why would anyone want Hillary as their President ; unless they are as corrupt and hypocritical as she is, and she truly represents their values?


L.A. Steel

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