

Sep 03 2014

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Retired General admits the U.S created ISIS.

Another beheading of another American, although this last guy was also an Israeli citizen as well as an American citizen. Do you think he might have been a Mossad/CIA agent planted in Syria as a “Journalist”? I do. It’s interesting that ISIS chose two “journalists” to behead. Too bad they weren’t Fox News or CNN “Journalists” or one of the other lame stream media’s notable news celebrities. Instead they chose two virtually unknown “journalists” to execute. It is questionable if their heads were cut off or if they died at all. For some reason both “journalists” seemed too calm and stoic before the masked man from ISIS cut their throats. If I knew I was going to get my head cut off in front of the world I or any rational person would fight back or at least yell out to the world and curse the name of my killer, or put up some kind of a fight. Both men were big enough to fight back and bash their heads into the executioners knees or bite him and hurt the bastard before he cut off their heads. Instead both of them stood on their knees and looked sternly into the camera as if they were auditioning for an action hero movie.

This entire scenario doesn’t make sense. It looks like a US/Israeli psyops program to get the people of the U.S pissed off enough to attack Iraq and Syria. Like Osama Bin Laden and Al-Zakowi (remember them the scourges of the desert) Obama knows what’s happening but can’t tell anyone because it would offend his masters in Israel, and too many American military contractors are out of work since the U.S withdrawal from Iraq and the draw down of U.S Military in Afghanistan. Something was needed to capture the attention of the war weary American public. But for some reason I don’t think anyone in the U.S really gives a shit about Iraq or Afghanistan and most Americans would just say Fuck Them! Except for a few Duck Dynasty idiots and CEO’s of major military manufacturers no one wants to escalate U.S military involvement in the Middle East. America is finding enough oil in its own back yard and doesn’t need Middle East oil anymore.

It would appear that Britain has more to worry about than the U.S does with ISIS. Hundreds if not thousands of British young men and women are being recruited by radical ISIS Islamic clerics openly recruiting soldiers and followers for ISIS. Britain has already established a Sharia Court for its Islamic community. It is absolutely insane what has become of Europe and is creeping into the U.S. If you see and know of a Muslim Extremist near you, have the cops check him out. See if his passport is updated and see if he is on a terrorist watch list. The U.S cops are happy to break into an innocent man’s house and shoot his kids and dog, why aren’t they busting down radical extremist terrorists, because they want to protect their freedom of religion? This doesn’t make any sense to any rational thinking person.

ISIS is a western made cult designed and armed by the American/European/Israeli governments to terrorize the western public into believing it is going to cut off their heads and rape their women and children. The same way the West demonized Saddam Hussein and Libya’s Qaddafi. If Obama was really concerned about ISIS he would drop a thousand bunker and cluster bombs guided by satellites and wipe out the entire ISIS army in a few days without losing any American soldiers. No one in the world except ISIS and their radical Islamist financial supporters would say a word in protest. If the U.S is going to be the policeman for the world,then let’s be real about it and prove to the world we are not taking anymore shit from anyone. Close our borders, declare war against the Middle Eastern backers of ISIS and drop a few thousand bombs on anyone who doesn’t agree with us. As for problems with So.America throw out all the corrupt governments and establish real democracies and economic freedoms for the people of these countries, rather than play globalist games of oppression, mass murder with world wide drug cartels who launder their trillions of dollars through global banks.

If ISIS was real it would behead all the sheiks and billionaire dictators of the Middle East, who are the real enemies of Islam. But this will never happen because these billionaire dictators along with the western powers are the real backers of ISIS.

L.A. Steel

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