I am very happy today. It is a great day . One of those days that I feel a part of creating a new American and World history.. I know many people who are not very happy today because Barack Obama won the Presidency last night. But that isn’t my problem today. Today I feel good. Today I feel hopeful, optimistic, and every other positive adjective that describes happiness. I am happy because the Presidential race is over . I am happy because I feel a great justice has been served by the American people. I feel happy because the intent of my vote for Barack Obama was honest, undiluted, and completely emotionally inspired.
I , like 64 percent of voting Americans made a choice yesterday for the future of the United States. My vote was based on faith, that Barack Obama should win the Presidency. I was becoming a very cynical radio talk show host , who had little faith in the American election process, and was loosing faith in my fellow citizens ; that were not seeing what was happening to their country. But last night’s confirmation of Barack Obama’s victory, gave me a jolt of “hope” inspiration and pride , like I had never received before from casting my vote in this great democracy..
Faith is a great power, a great promise, a great inspiration. I believe that Americans have faith in a great future. I believe we can repair the horrible damage that was caused by eight years of the worst leadership this country has ever bear. I believe we can repair our national reputation around the world. I believe we will rid our country of all homelessness and despair. I believe we will withdraw our military from Iraq and Afghanistan. I believe we will restore our national economy to the strongest in the world. I believe we will cull the criminal and cowardly elements from our government and bring all traitors and criminals to justice. . I believe we will repair the division of the Right and Left factions in this country.. I believe we will see a renaissance of Liberalism in this country that will inspire American ingenuity , industry and art, to heights never before imagined. by Mankind. .
Fear motivated the McCain voters. The fear of losing their power, fear of responsibility, fear of shedding their ignorance, fear of ridding their demons of hatred and bigotry, fear of sharing their nation’s wealth with their fellow Americans, fear of minority reprisals , fear of their own criminal acts and intentions being exposed, fear of their traditions of ignorance and inferiority being changed to enlightenment and great self esteem, fear of being wrong, fear of having faith in the best of mankind, fear of having faith in God, and America, fear of no longer having fear.
The election of Barack Obama to the Presidency of the United States, proved to me that all is and will be well with this country. It proved to me that the strength and determination of the American people are now unified and will soon be solidified into the greatest and most determined nation on the planet. Determined to lead the world in the direction of a blessed and bountiful future.
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