

Dec 31 2008

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Israeli Insanity



The new code word for insanity is Israeli. No question , no doubt, that the Israelis are insane. It is time everyone in the world sees the Israelis for what they are.Insane. What happens to a country when all of its people are insane? They destroy themselves, but unfortunately not until they destroy many other people in their own country and in surrounding nations. Israel is at the brink of its own extinction. They are about to be invaded by the entire Arab world. The Israelis are insane enough to want all out war with the Arab world, however they are crazy enough to think the U.S will back them up. Not this time. I personally feel sorry for the Palestinian people , who are the pure victims of Israeli Insanity, but it appears no one is coming to their aid. The majority of Americans and other people around the world , could care less if Israel is swept away or blown into oblivion. Most Americans would prefer peace in the Middle East and know the only way that can be accomplished is if Israel is forever neutralized. If it wasn’t for the muzzled , Zionist, government censored press in the U.S , all moral and financial aid to Israel would be stopped, and the entire U.S government would be purged of Israelis double agents and duel citizens and every politician supporting Israel against the best interests of the U.S would be condemned and hung as traitors..

I can’t believe that God isn’t about to curse Israel in a very big way. There is a Law of Compensation in the Universe and Israel is due for a serious karmic correction. Every Christian Fundamentalist is salivating at the thought of Israel’s final days. They love the idea of Israelis meeting their maker , because according to the Fundamentalist Christian Prayer Book, that is when Christ will return to earth and sweep all the Fundamental Christians off to heaven. According to the Fundamentalist Prayer Book, Jews aren’t allowed in heaven unless they convert to Christianity. According to the Muslims everyone must convert to Islam before they enter heaven. According to the Jewish Torah everyone but Jews are less than animals and described as “Goyim”. . Honestly the Fundamentalist Christians are as insane as the Fundamentalist Jews and Zionist Israelis and Islamic fanatics.

The world would be better off without zealots and fundamentalist anything. Let them blow themselves all to hell and leave the sane people alone. Congress should pass an Exodus Bill to send all the Fundamentalist Christians, Jews and Arabs to Israel and let them fight it out.. Arm all factions with American made arms and ammunition , and let them all blow each other to smithereens once and for all. Then the Middle East will live in peace and anyone who survives will be the victors and the U.S will recognize the winning faction. This is the only way there will ever be a final peace in the Middle East. All Americans except those with Israeli duel citizenships, must be evacuated from every Middle Eastern country prior to the final fighting, unless they prefer not to be evacuated. It’s their choice if they want to be blown away as well., no one really gives a damn if they leave or stay. The world is only interested in the problem going away and hearing and seeing nothing more about it.


Permanent link to this article: http://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=753


1 comment

  1. Arlinda

    i think it should have more educational articles like yours, so everyone would be able to learn something new.

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