Thoughts are like landmines I never know when I’m going to think of a thought that will explode into an article,essay, picture or music. Some thoughts are like nuclear power thoughts that create a powerful explosion of works, then others are more like lighting a fuse of small fireworks, that ignite into multicolor emotions or ideas that explode in my mind and produce chain explosions of essays, songs or pictures.
Today my thoughts are revolving around my motivation. I am motivated to write an essay about thoughts. Experiences are wonderful things that we all have and think about. In fact our experiences produce the majority of our thoughts and actions. I learned how to write and read and those experiences have created countless thoughts and works.
Today my thoughts are focused on my readers. I appreciate my readers. I enjoy sharing my thoughts with you. I appreciate my radio listeners for the same reason. Sharing thoughts is the only way people communicate. Without communicating our thoughts to someone we are all alone and isolated from the world. Here in my study I can communicate to thousands of people around the world without physically meeting them, or publicly speaking to them in an auditorium. As I write my thoughts I have the quietness of mind today,to hear my heart speak to me. Today my thoughts are calm,my body and mind are rested from a night’s sleep, and I am not disturbing myself by thinking about all the terrible things happening around the world. I have shared many disturbing thoughts to my readers and radio listeners over the years, but today my thoughts are of peace, appreciation and friendship.
A good old friend contacted me on Face Book yesterday. He just joined and sent me a friend request. I was pleased to hear from him and immediately confirmed our friendship and sent him a picture of us both happy and shaking hands, and smiling at a camera. I miss my old friends, but try not to impose on their lives. I never know if I am too imposing, or insensitive, or intoxicated, until I’m told I am. Some friends fall away and others move away, and others stay silent for long periods of time for some reason, and do not respond to your messages, until they are ready to
speak to you. We are all this way to some degree.
I will end this post today by saying Hello to my friends, and all who may have come to visit me after a long absence. I hope all is well with you and your families, and whatever kept you away is now over.
My Best,
L.A. Steel
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